Tuesday, May 10, 2011


"It is not what we learn in conversation that enriches us. It is the elation that comes of swift contact with tingling currents of thought." -Agnes Repplier

Day one of @EMCWorld is complete and day two is well under way. As I sit in the quiet, relaxing bloggers lounge, it contrasts with the hubbub of activity out on the floor. If you have ever been to a large conference, the number of people flowing through it can be overwhelming at times.

For breakfast most mornings, I liken it to the "Running of the Bulls". At times it seems like a narrow Spanish street filled with people and bulls running through it. Then again, I don't mean to say people are running in a mad rush of confusion. What I mean is the well directed funnelling of people into a huge banquet hall. It is an amazing feat to pull off the feeding 10,000 people.

And in that crowd of walking, picking up food, finding a chair, and eating, there is conversation. There are people talking to each other about a wide variety of subjects. Since we are in Las Vegas, many of those conversations revolve around how much someone won or lost in the casino.

Others will be giving introductions of themselves, the latest sporting event, and at a conference such as this, technology. In the high level view it may seem like just a lot of noise. But listen carefully and you will hear people connecting.

People are talking and sharing with each other. They are learning something new or reaffirming something old, but they are talking. Folks will gather new friends and also touch base with old friends. And each of these connections will advance each of us even further.

By connecting with others you gain new insight that will lift your life even higher. By connecting with others we give them something new in their life. By connecting with others we strengthen the human experience.

Connect with others and see how your life will gain from it. You may think you are adding to the noise when in fact you are actually adding to your life. Enjoy the noise.

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