Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dream Big

"A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral." -Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Here we are now on day three @EMCWorld. There have been BIG announcements already and more BIG announcements to come. But the bigger thing that is on my mind are the BIG visions people will have going forward. Not just related to EMCWorld and technology, but BIG things for their lives.

To illustrate BIG in this post's picture, I was going to show a great view of the Palazzo Hotel here in Las Vegas where I am staying. From the street, it is a grand view; large, big and brightly lit. But framing that with the quote, I didn't want people viewing money as my cathedral. So I used an image of Saint Patricks Cathedral in New York City.

Neither the Palazzo Hotel or Saint Patricks Cathedral are meant as the objects of this article. The center piece is that to build something BIG and grand for your life you have to envision it first. A cathedral starts as a pile of stones and someone having a vision to create something great. A huge hotel begins as a list of dreams on napkins and memo pads.

Everything BIG starts starts as a BIG vision.

I suppose one might even make the case for the grand looking buildings in Las Vegas. But I say this from the view of people visiting Las Vegas, the EMC World convention goers and almost anyone, anywhere. If you look at success, the gold and grandness of it all, then maybe you will catch inspiration to lift your life to even greater heights.

I'm not interested in the false facade or illusions that can exist in life. I'm interested in sparking a real vision for your life in which you can do great things. So, if standing in front of a cathedral or a grand hotel can light a fire inside of you to do great things, then stand and be inspired.

There will be 10,000 people heading home soon from EMC World with lots of ideas, goals and visions for the upcoming year. A large portion of that will be centered on the BIG announcements made during this event. But I hope that each of them take home a BIG vision for their own life.

Enjoy the rest of the convention folks and dream BIG.

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