Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Move Today

"To me, if life boils down to one thing, it's movement. To live is to keep moving." -Jerry Seinfeld

I have a pile of timbers sitting in my backyard. These are the treated eight foot long ones used for edging or building short retaining walls. The timbers have been sitting idle for nearly a year while I make a decision to actually do something with them. Yes I have a plan for them and it just requires me to begin the work.

What you will find is a neatly stacked pile that is up off the ground to protect them. It is a pile that seems to have been stacked for long term storage. What you will also see are the weeds and vines having grown up around and through the pile. There will be work to get the timbers ready for actual use.

It reminds me of lists we make for ourselves. Those pieces of scrap paper or neatly written journals that contain our dreams. The list sits nicely in the desk drawer where time, heat and humidity slowly age the piece of paper. One day you finally decide to act upon those dreams. You pull open the drawer only to find that the ink has faded.

Your dreams have faded on the paper. The paper itself has dried so badly that it crumbles in your hands. You try to piece together what the list contained, straining to make sense of it all. Our dreams that sit idle will tend to fade into distant memory.

Dreams will never be realized if not put into action. When you make movement towards your dreams, you put yourself closer to realizing them. Life is all about movement, life is about never sitting idle waiting for something to happen. Don't let your dreams crumble away with inaction.

What will it take to get you moving? Check out my vBlog Primms Attitude 08242011 up on YouTube. Don't wait for an earthquake to get you up and moving. Get up today and make movement in your life. Do it now, as if your life depended upon it.

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