Thursday, September 08, 2011

An Adventure

"It is like a voyage of discovery into unknown lands, seeking not for new territory but for new knowledge. It should appeal to those with a good sense of adventure." -Frederick Sanger

Today marks a new day of adventure for two of my boys. It actually marks a new adventure for all of us if I think about it. Early this morning the two left on a trip that will take them thousands of miles. A trip that will take them further down the road in their lives. It will change the landscape for many.

One son is a five year Army veteran transferring to a new unit out west. The other son is a graduate moving out west to work on his Master's degree. Both are moving on with their lives, changing the current in favor of reaching new potential.

I watched them pull away and the red glare of the tail lights hid them from my view. I knew they were there although I could not see them. My sadness in seeing them leave becomes overshadowed by my excitement for them.

When we embark on anything new, it is an adventure. It is a journey that we may have planned but will be filled with the unknown. The possibility of greatness lay in the unknown; it lay in the adventure of it all. It is life giving you the green light to move forward. Only you can keep you from change.

There will be ups and downs in any journey you take. The mountains may seem imposing and the skys too dark. Just remember that a lush, green valley lay beyond the mountain top and a bright blue sky shines behind those clouds.

The journey of life is an adventure and we need to enjoy every part of it. Have fun boys, have an adventure, and let life be full of possibility for you and for everyone.

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