Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventure. Show all posts

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Celebrate the Adventure

"One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure." - William Feather

Life itself gets treated many times as an inconvenient passage to something else. There are people who drag themselves along a path of existence with little enjoyment. They complain and worry about all that is wrong with their life never experiencing much of the joy around them.

Yet life is an adventure with many twists and turns in the tale.

We live life in both the good and the bad, never fully knowing what is around the next bend. The path taken could be one of broken rocks and holes scattered about. Or you can find yourself upon a smooth and flat road which eases your travel.

Along any path will be great adventures of love won and lost, success and failure along with thrills and boredom. All of this is part of life, of the great experience we each will have during our years of living.

And 'living' life is the adventure, celebrate it and embrace all that happens along the way.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, June 09, 2014

Adventure Awaits

"Adventure is not outside a man; it is within." - Ray Stannard Baker

Every day we get up and a new adventure begins for each of us. The ups and downs of circumstance will cross paths with us in ways we probably never anticipated. But the adventure of daily life is what makes life so great.

Think of a river raft floating gently down a peaceful river. The flat calm waters flow quietly and nothing happens. We lazily watch the scenery of life pass us by, knowing eventually we will end up in the large ocean of time.

It would be nice if our life were that calm.

Yet most lives get to encounter a few rapids in the water along the way. We can sometimes hear the rumbling waters ahead while other times the rapids surprise us as we round the bend in the river.

When we first enter the bubbling water, a small bit of excitement enters our chest along with just a bit of fear. We make it through the bumps with a certain sense of accomplishment.

But then you hear the giant roar of the large rapids.

Misting and rough danger lay ahead. You see the approaching turbulence or suddenly find yourself in the midst of it. Do you give up or adjust your paddles to find a path while holding on for dear life?

There may even be doubt in your mind that this hard stretch will ever end. Our vision becomes short sighted as we concentrate on battling the churning waters. But the calm waters are out ahead if you take a glimpse a bit further out.

The adventure of your life is filled with moments of calm or heart pounding excitement.

It is accepting the fact we will encounter these moments that will help us get through them. The adventure of life will carry us to that huge ocean of time. The sense of adventure is within all of us. Enjoy the ride that comes with living and stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How Many Lifetimes

"The truth is, I need 10 lifetimes to scratch the surface of the things I'd love to do."
-Bear Grylls

It is a great quote that I came back across recently. I found the context of it in a Mens Journal article I had read a couple of years ago. The man, Bear Grylls is one of those ultimate adventure guys most men would like be. Bear writes about surviving life in one of his latest books called A Survival Guide For Life; a great read for anyone.

Knowing all that he has done and hearing he would need ten lifetimes to do even more, just how many lifetimes would it take me?

We only get one life to live and the point is to make the most of that one lifetime. It certainly is not a competition of who had the most adventures. It is about how you live the adventure which is your life.

Are you doing everything you can to live a great life? Are you making an impact on the lives of others? Are you doing things that make life better for others? Are you living or just waiting?

It doesn't mean that you have to climb Mt Everest at age 23 or climbing cliffs, parachuting from helicopters, paragliding, ice climbing, or a hundred other things.

But you could!

You could also become involved in a charity that assists disabled, disadvantaged, abused or neglected young people. Possibly help a friend get a job. You could then take that once-in-a-lifetime trip to Ireland and drive on the left-hand side of the road. You can be a family man filling your kids with a lifetime of memories. Anything you choose to do is an adventure. Just fill your life with many of them.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Adventure In Life

"Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure." -Irving Wallace

What are these folks getting themselves into?

I happen to be talking about friends Dave and Annie Spell. These are the folks moving to Brazil that I have been talking about this week. It is a week talking about them as they embark on a new adventure in Brazil; Curitiba, Brazil to be exact. Yes, they've sold everything, prepared as much as they can and the Visa paperwork is all in order. A plane will carry them south of the equator to a country that is large, vibrant and waiting for them.

To acquaint you with Brazil, here are some facts found laying about on the internet;

- Brazil is the largest country in South America and the world’s fifth largest.

- Brazil is formed by 26 states and a Federal District; the capital being Brasilia.

- The official language is Portuguese.

- There are 6 climatic regions in Brazil: equatorial, tropical, semi-arid, highland tropical, atlantic tropical and subtropical

- The population of Brazil is 201,009,622 with a couple of large cities; Sao Paulo 19.96 million and Rio de Janeiro 11.836 million

I look forward to visiting the Spells in Brazil and many of the friends I have made previously on visits to Brazil. You may even consider visiting Brazil during the upcoming 2014 World Cup or the 2016 Olympics. I encourage you to expand your horizon and visit some far off destination in your life time.

And while you are thinking about your next great adventure, consider supporting Annie and Dave Spell in their mission to help the people of Brazil. Use your tax deductible donation and click on the following link; Annie & Dave Spell - Brazil Missions. Consider a few dollars a month or one larger donation. The welcome mat is ready and all you have to do is ring the door bell.

For more information about what Annie and Dave are doing, check out, follow their progress, follow their adventure. It just might inspire you to do something that others may ask, "what are you getting yourself into?"

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Old Man in Seat 12B

"Respect your elders: they graduated high school without Google or Wikipedia!" -Unknown

I had boarded the flight early as I normally do, settling into seat 12C. As I fly quite frequently, my airline status allows me to board early. It is a seat on the aisle near the front of the plane, one of my favorite spots. The location can be great for people watching as seasoned flyers and first timers all jostle down the narrow aisle looking for their assigned seat.

Today would be no different I thought, a normal flight to Boston, my usual routine. After settling in I would get my headphones on, my iPad opened to my favorite music and settle in for two hours of reading. Yet today would be a day when I would not do the usual, for the old man in 12B would delight my day.

He found a way to place his items in the overhead compartment and fumbled a bit getting into his seat. My thoughts at first were that he was new to flying. It also seemed odd with his crumpled trench coat, a well used jacket but neatly finished with an outdated tie. By the leathery look of his skin and deep wrinkles, I imagined his age to be well into his eighties.

As I finished up some business on my iPhone, he gestured and remarked at how connected we are these days. He certainly wasn't against technology but he said we never seem to talk anymore or better yet, we never seem to listen to each other much anymore. So with that, I shut off my phone, put away my iPad and headphones in order to listen.

The lady in 12A was not too sure what to think of this old gentleman as he told me his tales. She had a look of skepticism on her face but to me, I found him fascinating. The stories of his travels to many parts of the world having worked for a large mining company were amazing. But many times he and his wife of nearly sixty years traveled for leisure.

They would travel many times to South America, taking in the adventures that traveling outside of your comfort zone can be. He gave me detailed depictions of the places they had been; the food, the music and the people. Remembering those travels with his wife brought a smile to his face.

You see, she had died three years ago when cancer came back a second time. Quietly he spoke not to me but to his own thoughts about her. It was ongoing medical work that had him heading to Boston from Charleston, South Carolina where he lived. The day was nearly half over and the flight only forty-five minutes from landing when he drifted into sleep.

I sat and thought of the stories he had told me. Much of what was said could have been gleaned from National Geographic magazines or any local library. I am sure the lady in 12A felt he was spinning a tale. But I chose to believe the old man in 12B. I chose to allow his adventures to inspire me to seek more out of life.

He passed onto me what he knew; a real Tango in Argentina, seeing Table Mountain from a boat offshore of Capetown, having high tea in the lobby of the Peninsula Hotel while in Hong Kong, or taking in a Turkish bath at the Danubius Hotel Gellert in Budapest. Each one was crystal clear in his descriptions and it appeared that he wanted to pass his joy of each one to me.

The plane landed and as all travelers do, we go our separate ways. I shook his hand and thanked him for the conversation. He never gave me his name, but he smiled and thanked me for my time, for listening I suppose. As I left though he said to me, "find more time to experience the adventure of life."

I learned a lot from an elderly man in seat 12B. I learned about living life from a man I will probably never see again. I learned by listening.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

An Adventure

"It is like a voyage of discovery into unknown lands, seeking not for new territory but for new knowledge. It should appeal to those with a good sense of adventure." -Frederick Sanger

Today marks a new day of adventure for two of my boys. It actually marks a new adventure for all of us if I think about it. Early this morning the two left on a trip that will take them thousands of miles. A trip that will take them further down the road in their lives. It will change the landscape for many.

One son is a five year Army veteran transferring to a new unit out west. The other son is a graduate moving out west to work on his Master's degree. Both are moving on with their lives, changing the current in favor of reaching new potential.

I watched them pull away and the red glare of the tail lights hid them from my view. I knew they were there although I could not see them. My sadness in seeing them leave becomes overshadowed by my excitement for them.

When we embark on anything new, it is an adventure. It is a journey that we may have planned but will be filled with the unknown. The possibility of greatness lay in the unknown; it lay in the adventure of it all. It is life giving you the green light to move forward. Only you can keep you from change.

There will be ups and downs in any journey you take. The mountains may seem imposing and the skys too dark. Just remember that a lush, green valley lay beyond the mountain top and a bright blue sky shines behind those clouds.

The journey of life is an adventure and we need to enjoy every part of it. Have fun boys, have an adventure, and let life be full of possibility for you and for everyone.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Achieving Adventure

"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." -Amelia Earhart

There is so much in life to experience. From the time we are born, crawling across the floor to a toy all of the way to old age discoveries, we can experience new wonder. It is a great part of living, being an active participant in so much of everything.

A flight for business to Ireland placed me next to a man from Colorado. A man flying back into his past. a man flying back into adventure.

At this time I couldn't tell you what his name is. Nor could I tell you the name of his brother. And I certainly can't tell you the name of their father. But I can say they are on an adventure together, rediscovering their history.

I hope that I hear from them after the trip so that I can write about it. But if not, my imagination tells me that they are going to have a wondrous time together. They will have the time of their lives. They will be adventurous.

Each of us need to experience some level of adventure. It might be taking a canoe down the local river or fling half way around the world. It is pushing your limits slightly past your comfort level.

By stretching ourselves we realize that the impossible isn't quite so impossible. We find that our ability to achieve becomes more real when we push beyond our comfort.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Planned Adventure

"A lot of my time was spent searching, thinking and planning my life." ~Ryan White

My family has started planning for a trip in January of 2011 to Ireland. It is a trip to Cork in order to fulfill one of my mother's wishes. Before passing away in October of 2008 from Pancreatic Cancer, she asked that some of her ashes be spread in her ancestral Ireland.


The planning process we are going through reminds me of when we took her to Ireland in 2004. We planned and worked to make the trip as perfect as can be. While Mom understood all of the planning, she was more interested in the adventure that would happen. She understood that all of those plans wouldn't play out as "planned". She knew that life provided a great adventure beyond all of the planning.

So with this upcoming trip to retrace her footsteps and to fulfill a wish, we are planning. But we are also expecting adventure. What she taught us is to not spend our life figuring it all out ahead of time. She taught us to live life. That is the adventure, the ability to overcome failed plans and enjoy the act of living.

We will plan our trip, our day, our weekend, our lives. And the real adventure will be how we accept failed plans and accept the wonder of living. Plan your life, but plan for adventure and enjoy every minute of it.