Monday, April 16, 2012

To Goatee Or Not To Goatee

"The hardest battle you're ever going to fight is the battle to be just you." - Leo Buscaglia

I have seen many men that can easily carry a moustache, beard, or goatee upon their face. The neatly trimmed or scraggly beard that adorn each one is individual in nature. I marvel at how comfortable they are with the look.

For me, it had been many years since I last carried any hair upon my face. In my twenties it was a moustache red as can be. There was no use in trying to grow a beard because any attempt looked like a map of the Caribbean Islands. so I settled for the narrow place between my upper lip and nostrils.

I felt decent with a moustache but eventually shed it for a smooth and clean shaven look. Call it the changing times of fashion or simply feeling it was not the real me. So for twenty plus more years, I have diligently shaved my face each morning.

And than a few weeks ago the urge to grow a goatee came upon me. I'm not sure why, but it felt like something I should try. So I set about the task to grow and maintain a decent goatee along with the patch of area above my lip. The full redness had disappeared as my years have grown, the gray colors dominating the look.

Eventually it filled in and I started to get used to the feel of it. There were those that said it looked good. Others that simply humored me I think. And there were those that plainly said it just wasn't me. I tried to wear the goatee with comfort but inside I felt the same; it just wasn't me.

Was I trying to be or look like somebody else? Was I trying to hide behind a new look or trying to create a new image? I can honestly say I'm not sure which, but I do know that it just wasn't me.

What I did find is that the real me had to shave off the goatee. The real me was not going to stand behind a face of hair that looked like one person, but sounded like another. I was going to be the real me once again, so I shaved off the gray and red upon my face. When I looked in the mirror, all I could say was hello to me again.

Do you try to hide behind something you are not? Is there a real you waiting to come out and be the person you are meant to be? You need to shave off those feelings and costumes that we hide behind. We need to live our lives as the real us...the real you.

The time will come when the facade we carry needs to come down. Be bold and be the person you are inside. And stay inspired.

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