"Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone." ~G.B. Stern
Whom have you thanked today?
We can float through our day pleased with the interactions between other people and ourselves. It could be the gas station attendant at the counter who doesn't charge you for a cup of coffee; after you have purchased gas. Maybe it is a co-worker that helps you complete a job task on time.
You may even be a manager or business owner. Have you thanked your employees lately? The hard work and innovation they bring to your company means quite a bit. Together they make the wheels of a company smoothly run.
How about your wife, kids, friends? Have you said thank you to them? What about thanking God? There are so many ways and so many things you can be thankful for. The important thing is to make sure that you say it.
Saying thank you helps others (the person receiving it) know that you know who they are and that you are aware of them as a person. It acknowledges to them that they are important and what they do is important to you. Each and every one of us want to be acknowledged in life and thanking someone is a direct and meaningful way to provide that acknowledgement.
You can certainly do more, you can exceed the simple thank you with rewards, bonuses, flowers, gifts, etc. But most times the immediate and heartfelt thank you has the greatest impact.
So, have you said thank you today?
Thank you for continuing to read my articles and spreading my words to others. Also, for staying inspired my friends.
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