Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Serving or Self-Serving

It has always been my belief that a man should do his best, regardless of how much he receives for his services, or the number of people he may be serving or the class of people served.” -Napoleon Hill

It has been a bit spotty of late in getting my blog articles out. But there are some changes on the horizon for me and those have kept me quite busy. I'm working to get back into a more regular pattern of writing so stick with me folks.

Today I wanted to ask a couple of questions;

- Regarding the job you own or work at and customer Service – is it really at the core of your business or simply “lip” service?
- Do you live your life in service to others - or are you simply living for yourself?

In your business (or the job you work at), the time has come to realize that the ability —or inability— to serve customers in a way that is consistent with meeting and exceeding their expectations is the biggest differentiator that separates a successful business from others.

The same is true in your personal life. Serving others before self will have a dramatic impact on your life and the lives of those around you. It is the difference between living life and living your best life.

Now is the time to transform customer service from a one-dimensional, one-directional exchange into a fluid and integral part of your life. There are ten basic tenets of transforming your life and business and it all begins with serving others with the “CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE” you provide.

Remember that today is the day you felt a drop of rain splash down on your forehead. So it is time to build that ark, Noah. In other words, today is the day to start making a change. Elevate “customer service” (serving others) to a front office mission critical strategic imperative. Make it a strategic imperative in your everyday life.

Stay inspired my friends.

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