Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Which Decision

"Living is a constant process of deciding what we are going to do." -Jose Ortega y Gasset

I was reflecting this week on my son's graduation from the U.S. Army Basic training nearly six years ago. For many years I had mixed feelings about having my sons enlisted in the military. My reluctance was always from the view point of a parents concern for their safety. With two wars, I do not think I was ready to give up any one of my children.

I then realized that I was not giving up anything. If they were to join the military, serve proudly and possibly give their life; it was a gift of something greater than one could ever imagine. There is pride that welled up inside of me for my son that was almost overwhelming. To see what he has accomplished, to see what any of my children achieve, each is special and deserving.

Prior to my change of heart, I was choosing to be pessimistic about the possible outcomes of his military career and all of the horrible possibilities that could occur. So much could go wrong. But I realize that life itself could create heartbreak, regardless of what we do with our lives.

So if the choice is either to assume all will go wrong or all will go right, I choose the latter. I choose to believe that all of our experiences can have a positive impact on our life. Gil Stern wrote, "both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute."

In life, decide how you plan on contributing to society. Will you be the one soaring off into a limitless sky or the one packing the parachutes. Either way, you will have an impact on the world around you. I trust and thank those that remind me of the parachute.

But I choose to soar high above the clouds. I choose to soar now, in practice for the day when I will forever soar.

Stay inspired my friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't always read blogs
but when I do
I make sure it's Primms Attitude