Monday, September 24, 2012

Food for Thought

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others." - Plato

People ask me from time to time how one can change the level of service in their organization. My first answer is most times is to start with 'you'. Changing the way your behavior influences the level of service you provide.

An article that appeared some years ago in the READERS DIGEST provided a list of rules for individuals. The rules will transform into a better performing you. When you change, much of your environment will begin to change. Other will start adopting your example.

The list is called "Meyer's Rules For Life".

1. You get what you give (and you get more by giving more).
2. It's more important for people to feel heard than to be agreed with.
3. If you're going to give a gift, give it graciously.
4. Customers come second. Family comes first.
5. The world's greatest luxury is time.
6. The road to success is paved with mistakes well-handled.
7. Overcoming adversity with imagination, courage, good humor and confidence is a crucial skill.

Try a change in your life. Try using yourself as an example to others, you might be surprised. Feed the change in others by feeding the change inside of you.

Stay inspired my friends.

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