Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Doors Will Open

"The doors of wisdom are never shut." -Benjamin Franklin

I have an affinity for the sayings of Benjamin Franklin. He has wise words that still resonate today, nearly 225 years after his death. His words and thoughts were relevant well before his time. The words and thoughts of Benjamin Franklin will carry on through out the ages.

There are those that may find his writings not to their liking. If so, find another source because in different ways I've stated that you need to find what it is that moves you. By reading several different sources, listening to several different sources and writing down your thoughts to yourself - you will find inspiration.

I like to think that I am sort of like a friendly door man. Opening different doors for you to peek through. A favorite framed picture my wife has is called 'The Doors Of Dublin'. It depicts the many different types of doors found on the older homes of Dublin. They could easily serve as a metaphor for the many options for a greater attitude, greater success, and a greater life.

But do you have the courage to walk through one of those doors?

I firmly believe that you do have that courage. But wait a minute, you are saying that I don't even know you. So how could I possibly know? Courage to change is in everyone. It is a matter of making a change in your life to except the possibility that you can do these things.

So pick a door, any door. Walk up to it and place your hand on the door knob. Turn the knob and peer inside. If the door is locked, do not be discouraged. Knock or ring the door bell. A friendly door man will be along shortly to help you through.

Opening doors from lea khayata on Vimeo.

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