Monday, October 15, 2012

Mission Possible

Decide what you want and write your goals down. Then convert your goals into positive, present tense statements called affirmations. Affirm your goals each day until they become part of your subconscious mechanism.” - Unknown Author

In the coming days, I would like you to think about where you are in life and where you want your life to be. Is there self doubt surrounding those thoughts? Is there only impossibility in those thoughts? Or do you see that everything has possibility?

Life tends to create negative thought patterns at us in many different ways. It comes in the way of people; friends, relatives, co-workers and many other types of people that like to "give advice." Many of your negative thoughts may have come from growing up in a non-supportive family. This creates a mindset within us, living life for so long in a negative way, that it becomes hard to break free of those old habits.

But you must believe in the promise of your visions and dreams. Have faith that leaving behind your old ways will allow you to move in a direction that fulfills your goals. It takes courage to make this move and in seeing what can not be seen. Having the courage to do so will position yourself in order to have the ability to seize opportunity.

When the negative in life occurs, be the one that rises above it. Be bold in what you do because there will be nasayers. There will be those that knowlingly and unknowingly try to keep you down. These type of people do so because they are not bold enough to rise above their condition. The only way they can feel good about themselves is to keep others down with them.

Rise above these people and break loose from their hold. Your self doubt will cause you to struggle to cross the line to a positive attitude. When this happens, you may find yourself back on the down side.

You will struggle to cross back over again. Back and forth until you spiritually or determinedly decide to create a wall behind you once you have crossed to a positive life. Leave the naysayers behind and find new people to surround yourself with. Find a more positive, a more frutiful way of living.

Possibility exists if you allow it to work in your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

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