Thursday, October 11, 2012

You Will

A grateful perspective brings happiness and abundance into a person’s life.” -Andy Andrews

From the pages of Andy Andrews; Our Very Lives Are Fashioned by Choices.

First we make choices. Then our choices make us.

This particular decision for success has been conditioned out of most people. They're doing the same things every day; just because that's the way they've always done them. Here's an example of this decision in practical everyday business terms. Let's say you're an employer and you have two people standing in front of you with the same educational background. They are the same age and have the same experience. One of them has a complaining look on his face and this other one appears happy. Well . . . who are you going to hire?

The happy one, of course, because that's the person you want to be around!

True happiness comes from deep within, but choosing happiness can be as simple as choosing to be grateful. The seeds of depression, anger, and resentment cannot take root in a grateful heart. A couple of years ago I was taken to Mexico City by World Vision and they walked me around a slum that had a million people in it. I saw my children in the eyes of the children that were playing there in the broken glass. It was a horrible situation to see what they have to do in order to get water and food.

I want to urge you to condition yourself, to find things that you can be grateful for. Become the possessor of a grateful spirit.

From this moment on you will
  • ignore the conditioning that has shaped everything in your life.
  • ignore the conditioning that says children who laugh in a restaurant get on your nerves.
  • ignore the conditioning that says that you must look for everything in the form of its lowest common denominator
  • become a possessor of a grateful spirit, a person who is grateful for the laughter of children, and grateful for situations that make you struggle.
  • become grateful for situations in which you have to find your way out, because if you can find your way out of situations, then you can lead others to successes of their own.

Stay inspired my friends.

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