Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Expecting What Is Not Expected

"You can't spend your day wondering what's going to happen next. That takes the thrill out of living. Expect the unexpected! Live life!" -Unknown

On my way into work this morning, it was a bit foggy and still somewhat dark. This particular day I happen to be in Massachusetts working at our corporate offices. So the road, while somewhat familiar is unknown in many many respects. So I tend to drive more careful.

What happened to me is that I rounded a curve and was surprised to quickly come upon a construction truck. Its tail lights were not functioning so it was a very unexpected encounter that startled me. No accident occurred, nothing more dramatic to the event and I safely arrived at work. What did occur to me is that our travel through life will always contain the unexpected.

There will be circumstances that we simply do not expect. A chance encounter, a fallen tree, a job loss, a lost loved one and maybe a construction truck without tail lights in the fog. Things will happen to us on our journey. We can not spend our life worrying that the unexpected will happen to us.

We can certainly prepare in ways that will guide us through the unexpected. But the simple encounter of something unexpected can be thrilling. Sometimes in good ways, sometimes in not so good ways. Yet we add it to the story of our lives, a chapter, a musing, a lesson that enrichened our life.

Enjoy the journey of your life and embrace the unexpected parts.

Stay inspired my friends.

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