Friday, April 26, 2013

Raise the BAR

"No one determines vision for you; vision is yours to see, believe in and grab hold of." -Me

This morning I had the opportunity to speak at a business breakfast called Pathfinders. I was invited to talk about "Raising the BAR" in your personal and business life. If you have not heard about it, check back next week to this blog as I talk more about it. In fact I will be putting out an eBook - free for a limited time - that you can get by subscribing to my blog.

Getting up and speaking to the folks this morning was an absolute joy. After the meeting, I was able to talk to some of the attendees and found their stories amazing. You see each of us has a story to tell or experience to share. Every one of those stories can provide us with a new idea, a new way or new hope that we can overcome any obstacle in our life.

The BAR gets set in your life that must be cleared before the next one is attempted. So each time we accomplish one thing, the BAR lifts higher. Staying connected, networking with other people, being strong in belief of your vision will give you the ability to get over any BAR that is set in your life.

Raise the B-elief A-ction R-ealization of expectation in your life and stay inspired my friends.

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