Monday, April 22, 2013

Try Persistence

"Knowing trees, I understand the meaning of patience. Knowing grass, I can appreciate persistence." -Hal Borland

Persistence is something that can be found most any where in this life. In example, take a look at the picture shown above. It happens to be a cage that I built around a bird feeder in my back yard. This was my fourth version of my attempts to thwart the squirrels. Needless to say, the squirrels stayed persistent and figured this one out as well.

Yet I am persistent as well and finally found a simple solution, cayenne pepper. If I sprinkle this in the bird seed, the squirrels dislike it and will leave the bird seed alone. The cayenne pepper does not bother the birds due to some type of biological thing that I can not explain.

You do have to stay vigilant with the cayenne pepper as the squirrels will keep checking the feeder. And I must say that I do admire the persistence of these squirrels. It can be frustrating for me that turned into a strange contest between man and animal. The squirrels continually tried to get the prize that awaited them.

It is a lesson we can learn as humans; to succeed we must continually keep trying. Some times we will encounter an obstacle (cayenne pepper) that does not seem worth the effort. But like the squirrels that would repeatedly test to see if I had forgotten the cayenne pepper, we must keep trying. Another thought is to move on to something else for a while. You can always come back to the bird feeder later.

See what works in your life and know that the prize is much bigger then just bird seed. Stay inspired my friends.

Squirrel Obstacle Course

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