Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Crisis Averted: EMCWorld 2013 - Day Three

"When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity." -John F. Kennedy

For each of the attendees to this year's EMCWorld, at some point in the day, week, month or year, a crisis will likely occur. While each of us in attendance are enjoying meeting new people, learning of new technologies and getting to test the newest gadgets, the business of our life continues.

There will be those issues back at work which draw you away from your temporary enjoyment of the conference. For me, there are those things that come up and I thoroughly enjoy jumping into the fire with my customers to help them get it resolved. This gives them the opportunity to get back to the conference and the enjoyment of it. I have had my share this week and to in the larger crowd of people the crisis may not seem such a big deal, but to the individual it is.

Your crisis might be deemed small or huge. It might involve keeping or losing your job. It might be a relationship or possibly mean life and death. Whatever the case, crisis will enter your life. How you deal with it determines your outcome on the other side. Some people do not handle it well and end up in worse condition while others are stronger and much better for the experience.

As you walk the convention halls of EMCWorld or even the halls of your life back home, know that there is hope, opportunity and greatness to be achieved through crisis. Come out on the other side renewed and greater for the experience.

Stay inspired my friends.

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