Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Connected Dots: EMCWorld 2013 - Day Two

"Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it." -Ralph Marston

An impressive first day that truly didn't disappoint myself or any one of the nearly 15,000 people in attendance. I always develop certain expectations of what these days are going to be like. Am I going to run into someone that I haven't seen in a long time? Will I remember their name? Will they remember me?

What I have come to the conclusion is that of all those connections made over the years are lasting if I have committed to the relationship without expectation of something in return.

That means if we develop friendships, help other people and do all of this without a requirement of getting something in return, the connection is much stronger. This is what happens in the business world and can work for you in your own life. At EMCWorld and in our every day business, EMC personnel work hard at developing the relationship. If we build a business trust with each other first, the rest is rather easy.

You can attain the same type of relationships in your own business and personal life. When you approach life with a serving attitude, the connections become strong and lasting. In fact, your day is filled with serving others and you may not even realize it. Allowing someone in line as you drive to work, opening the door for someone or simply doing your job. You help your spouse with the dishes, the kids with homework or a neighbor move a desk.

Most everything you do throughout your day is comprised of serving others. And this elaborate intertwining of peoples lives means that you are served as well through out the day. What you receive in return is directly proportional to the level of servitude you extend to others.

It can be humbling but you need to have confidence in yourself and a positive attitude that you can change other peoples lives through small acts of kindness. Serve with a joyful heart and with the knowledge that you will receive in kind the same. You have nothing to lose and all the world to gain. We are never too young or too old to ask, "Can I hold open that door for you?"

Stay inspired my friends.

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