Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stuff Happens

"One's life is not as fixed as one believes. Surprises may lie in store for you, the unexpected often tends to happen, sometimes bringing in its train the most delightful change in one's life or circumstances." -Elizabeth Aston

cir·cum·stance (sûrkm-stns)

1. A condition or fact attending an event and having some bearing on it; a determining or modifying factor.
2. A condition or fact that determines or must be considered in the determining of a course of action.
3. The sum of determining factors beyond willful control. Often used in the plural: a victim of circumstance; work that will begin on Monday if circumstances permit.
4. circumstances Financial status or means: "Prior came of a good family, much reduced in circumstances" George Sherburn.
5. Detail accompanying or surrounding an event, as in a narrative or series of events.
6. Formal display; ceremony: the pomp and circumstance of a coronation.
7. A particular incident or occurrence: Your arrival was a fortunate circumstance.

under no circumstances
In no case; never.
under/in the circumstances
Given these conditions; such being the case.

There is a saying that I am sure all have heard before. Without being vulgar in my writing, I will change the wording slightly. The saying is, "Sometimes STUFF happens." I am sure you can fill in the appropriate word within the saying. And it is true, life happens each and every day. There is no seeming rhyme nor reason to any of it. Things will happen at various times in your life, no escaping that fact.

When these things happen, you shouldn't waste your time wondering the why and how. Sure it is good to try and understand what led to the condition. Yet how you conduct yourself, how you respond to these circumstances will determine how well and how quickly you get past it.

There are people I have known that will spend time and time again focusing on the 'why' and very little time on the 'getting past' the circumstance. Repeatedly they bring it up and turn it in circles, looking it over and over. They become so focused on the issue that they are unable to see an outcome or resolution.

So the next time something occurs in your life, know that STUFF happens. It is not an assault upon your life. Stop and examine what you can of it and then move on. Take the experience of having gone through it and let it lead you to something greater. Keep moving, your future awaits.

Stay inspired my friends!

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