Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Five People

"It is because the human spirit knows, deep down, that all lives intersect. That death doesn't just take someone, it misses someone else, and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed." - The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Every thing you do in life has an impact on others around you. The little things you do to offer hope or kindness add up in the lives of other people. You do matter, you do make a difference.

Some time back I wrote about a book that Mitch Albom wrote. The story dealt with the seemingly ordinary life of a man named Eddie. The name of his story is titled, The Five People You Meet in Heaven. In fact, a TV movie was created that nicely visualized the story of how each of our lives is intertwined with others. The movie appeared on originally aired on television and was very faithful to the book.

I recommend you read the book or rent the movie and watch it. And even though the book and movie came out ten years ago, it is good to remind ourselves once in a while. It can change the way you view your life. It reveals that there is a light inside each of us. This light shines out from you in ways we never fully realize.

Allow yourself the ability to impact others. Let your interactions with those around you to be positive ones when possible. Your life matters to others, it has impact on them and does so in the little things you do.

Stay inspired my friends!

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