Monday, April 21, 2014

Revealing Possibility

Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Many people go through life never seeing all of the great things which actually exist in this world. Their view is clouded by pessimism and doubt of anything being good. You never give yourself the opportunity to see what is good in life.

The lights can hide what we need.

You go into your backyard and sit looking up at the stars. But as you view them, many of them and most of them are obscured by the city lights around you. Your view of the night sky is of a blackness that holds nearly nothing. There are no stars because in your mind there is a 'nothingness' to the sky. This is what a negative mind sees.

The city lights are distracting you from seeing the real beauty of the night sky. The city lights are the negative thoughts obscuring our view of having a wonderfully positive life. Now go to a rural area, away from those lights and take a look.

The darkness reveals possibility.

All of a sudden the darkness of night becomes sharp and clear. Billions of stars become visible, each of varying brightness and clarity. Your excitement grows as you try to count and pick out each of them. There seem to be too many to count. Yet in the clarity of this night sky, with negative obstructions gone, each of these stars are possibility.

There are so many stars and so many things to be thankful for. Your life, your possibility. Find a way to view your life as a starry night, one of thankfulness. Clear those lights of negativity that prevent you from seeing all of the stars. When you do, your life will be filled with billions of shining possibilities and dreams.

Stay inspired my friends!

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