Monday, April 14, 2014

Set Your Goals

“Success will be within your reach only when you start reaching out for it.”Stephen Richards

There are articles I have written and others you have read where we speak of setting goals in your life. Sometimes we do a good job of explaining why and how to do just that. Sometimes we do not do a good job doing that as well.

Setting goals can be hard, frustrating and difficult. Achieving those goals in the end will seem effortless in comparison to just getting started. Again though, how should you even start?

The author and blogger Michael Hyatt wrote a very good "Beginner’s Guide to Goal Setting" to help each of us get started. I recommend you reading his short article. To give you a glimpse into the article, he states the five basics shown below.

1. Keep them few in number.
2. Make them “smart.”
--- Specific
--- Measurable
--- Actionable
--- Realistic
--- Time-bound

3. Write them down.
4. Review them frequently.
5. Share them selectively.

The questions become;

...will you write your goals down?
...will you remind yourself of what you wrote down?
...will you allow yourself to actually achieve them?

Each of us can benefit by setting goals. They can be five, ten year long goals. But they can also be short, one or two month goals. Achieving the short term ones when aligned with your long term goals will send you down a path of success.

Try it.

Take the challenge and write down one realistic one-month goal. Tape a copy on your bedroom mirror. Place one on the kitchen refrigerator. Tape one on your car dashboard. Tack another to your office work desk. Put reminders in places where it will remind you of the goal set.

Now achieve it.

Small goals will lead to bigger goals achieved. You can achieve.

Stay inspired my friends.

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