Friday, April 11, 2014

Seven Days

"Find a job you like and you add five days to every week." ~ H. Jackson Brown

It is the start of a Friday work day for some of us, others are well into it and others are much further into their weekend already. The day is one that so many people look forward to in anticipation. It is a day looked forward to on Monday.

In contrast, Monday is the dreaded day by those settling into their Sunday evening.

We spend nearly five days in a sour mood just waiting for two days...the weekend. One could quantify it loosely and state that we spend over 70% of our life in misery or just short of 30% in happiness.

Doesn't that seem a bit wasteful of your life?

Why not try to enjoy the entire week instead of taking only those two precious weekend days? I don't want to suggest that the weekend and time off is a bad thing. Quite the contrary, having time away from work is good and allows you to renew yourself. But you can do that during the week as well.

The work day doesn't have to be miserable, but you have to like your job in order to get over it. If you don't like your job, then make movement, change jobs, change careers, do something.

Get back that 70% of your life.

For the week, maybe take Wednesday evening and attend a church service, an evening class or go see a movie. Just create an easy and non-burdensome activity that you can choose or choose not to attend.

By gaining back your week, you gain back your life and attitude. When those things improve, your personal life will improve, your work performance will improve and best of all - life just seems to improve.

Get back those lost five days and look forward to not just Friday, but every day.

Stay inspired my friends.

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