Thursday, April 10, 2014

Six Degrees

No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank, diary of Anne Frank

There is an organization doing what it can to help others. Sure, there are many other great organizations doing the same thing. Same, but this one is different. It is called and owes its roots to a game.

A popular trivia game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon in which you played a connection game that ultimately led each participant to be connected to a celebrity by the name of Kevin Bacon.

In an attempt to turn it into something for a better good, Kevin took the idea and turned it into doing something for others. Six Degrees is about giving people the opportunity to promote charities which help others. That is the whole idea.

From their website they state, "Any one person (including me, Kevin Bacon) is connected to any other person through six or fewer relationships, because it's a small world. is about using this idea to accomplish something good. It's social networking with a social conscience. Through this web site, you can support your favorite charities by donating or creating fundraising badges — as well as check out the favorite causes of other people, including celebrities."

Here you have another opportunity to involve yourself, another opportunity to make a difference. Not only can you donate to your charity but now you can promote that charity. Just another way to make life a little better for those around you.

So get on board, find a charity and get it posted. You'll do good and in turn, goodness will come back to you.

Stay inspired my friends.

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