Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Raising the Bar

One of the most important phases of maturing is that of growth from self-centering to an understanding relationship to others. A person is not mature until he has both an ability and a willingness to see himself as one among others and to do unto those others as he would have them do to him.” - Walter Scott

One key to living a positive and fruitful life is to move away from being self-centered. When you understand that your life is and has impact amongst everything and everyone around you, then you will begin to live a more enjoyable and fulfilling life.

There is a tendency when living a self-centered life to blame every and anything else for our own woes. It is always someone else or company or object that is the cause. The blame game starts to become very trendy in your life. The current object of blame in society becomes your object of blame. It becomes something to accuse of all your troubles.

So it can be an odd feeling to fully grasp the idea when you step out of a "me only" life into acceptance of your part in a bigger world. It is a big step when you end up taking responsibility for your own actions and woes. Everything around you has an impact and influences your life. But the key is how you choose to react to all of the stuff which will and does happen to us.

Once you have taken the path of responsibility and accepted to be in charge of your own attitude, only then will life begin to turn for the better. Once you do, stay committed to that new life. Be the better person.

Be the one that raises the BAR for others.

B-elief A-ction R-ealization of expectation in your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

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