Thursday, October 16, 2014

Let Loose the Anchor

Sculptor Jeff Tritel

"For years I believed that it was necessary to keep going, no matter what. The burdens that life heaped upon you only made you stronger. The man in this sculpture literally plows through life, dragging a monstrous anchor behind him and having to develop Herculean strength to continue his unending task. I have more recently decided that I would rather stroll through life. This necessitates finding a way to cut loose our anchors, a task the gentleman in the sculpture hasn't yet accomplished. The sculpture embodies power and determination, although I'd like to tell him to sit down, take a rest and let go of the anchor."

There is a need for you to persevere in order to succeed, but do not drag along the weight of past problems or old feelings. Break loose the anchor and continue on towards greatness.

Stay inspired my friends.

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