Monday, October 27, 2014

Movement Is Where Memories Live

She took a step and didn't want to take any more, but she did.” ― Markus Zusak

It has now been a few weeks since a very good friend passed away and similar to only a couple of other occasions in my life, I couldn't move. I was going to work, shopping at the store and doing those things one does to live.

Getting back to really living was the difficult part.

Grief and loss can have that effect upon you. What I felt is nothing compared to my friend's family and telling you this story is not meant to compare levels of hurt and pain. It is meant to express that life can stop you in your tracks.

Life may go on around you, but the circumstance can make you feel like you are stuck in your tracks. Unable to think clearly, unable to grab hold of living, unable to breathe.

Movement is what springs us back into going on with our lives. The act of getting up in the morning, having breakfast, going to work and all of those other things we do are what make us live. Those acts of living shake us from standing still.

Memories of a loved one, a friend or whatever the loss occurred stir within you. These memories push from your soul, to your heart and it beat with anticipation of movement once again. Pushing you to live again, to think more clearly, to breathe once again.

Memories living through your movement, your life.

Soon you will find your life in elegant motion. Clarity will be restored. Life will be birthed again in joy.

Stay inspired my friends!

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