Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pressing Through

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength." - Author Unknown

There are days in which we battle a seemingly endless fight against circumstances. The constant struggle to overcome and achieve goodness in our life can seem lonely. Other people may provide sympathy or recommend that you quit trying, while there are others whom offer encouragement.

The struggle still remains your own.

But are you truly alone in your fight to 'keep it together'? My belief has always been that a higher power exists and is there, giving me strength and support to work through all of it. For me, my faith allows me to press through when the 'chips are down'. For others, belief and faith may come from something else.

It is this spirit of support that exists to help and give you strength when it seems no one else is. You can draw from the encouragement of others to persevere. Which is a good reason to seek out encouragement and advice from both the spirit you believe in and other people.

I am not trying to go off into some 'new age' healing speech here. What I am saying is that you can draw strength from many sources even when it seems none exist. When you push through, the results will astound you. The success and wisdom gained will serve you well when circumstance befalls you again.

And circumstance will befall you again most likely, that is just 'life' happening.

I have faith in all that you can do and chances are pretty good that I don't even know you. That is how much belief I have in the ability of the human spirit to succeed. Be encouraged and comforted in knowing that many others also believe in you. Draw strength from it and you will find your path to the other side of circumstance.

Stay inspired my friends.

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