Monday, July 13, 2015

A Carpenter's Square

This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work.” ― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie

There is much to be said about family and what it can mean in our lives. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some are idyllic while others are not quite so good. The problem is that being a part of a family is so important to our human nature.

All of us want to belong and be part of a caring and nurturing environment. We want a strong and protective father as well as a loving caring mother to heal our wounds. We want siblings who share a common bond with us.

We want family.

Some people have a pretty good and normal family life. Some people had unspeakable families in which they grew up in. And we are both a reflection of those family environments, but we do not have to be victims of either kind.

Normal is a word that comes from the Latin word normālis or made according to a carpenter's square. Everything varies from the perfect ninety degrees of this carpenter's square. The modern day definition is conforming to the standard or the common type.

Family is not perfect.

Of course not and yes, some can be downright horrible. But we need to learn from the good and bad of growing up in a family, whatever form of family it was, and improve upon it. To generationally make life better.

We will never be the perfection of Pleasantville of movie fame. Nor can we expect all things to work out as they did in the television show called The Brady Bunch.

We make family the best we can.

Every step we take in gathering our family together; parents, siblings, friends and strangers; all can come together and bond as a family unit. For better not worse, we come together as a family to protect and nurture each other. To belong to something so that we can more easily face things together and not alone.

We make family the best we can. Make your family the best it can be. It may not end up being a carpenter's square, but it will be more right than wrong. Just believe in goodness being part of a family can bring into your life.

Stay inspired my friends!

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