Monday, August 31, 2015

Milestones of Time

If Destiny throws a stone at you, don't let it become a millstone. Make it into a milestone.” ― Sachin Tendulkar

Yesterday, August 30 marked the day ten years ago when I wrote my first blog article. It was an article titled "Starting New" and I had thought it would be a good outlet for my experience in the computer industry. Yet I knew there was more purpose to it for many of the reasons my wife Laura wrote on my birthday blog two days ago.

Over the years there have been nearly 160,000 page views, scores of visitors and certainly an evolution of my writing ability. I am also very pleased with the comments received from each of you over the years.

And it is you the reader who are a large part of the inspiration. To that I thank each of you for keeping me inspired to write. You are the pilgrims of everyday life, traveling to places yet unseen to meet people yet unknown to do grand things as yet undreamed.

Henry Van Dyke >> Song Of A Pilgrim-Soul

March on, my soul, nor like a laggard stay!
March swiftly on. Yet err not from the way
Where all the nobly wise of old have trod,--
The path of faith, made by the sons of God.

Follow the marks that they have set beside
The narrow, cloud-swept track, to be thy guide:
Follow, and honour what the past has gained,
And forward still, that more may be attained.

Something to learn, and something to forget:
Hold fast the good, and seek the better yet:
Press on, and prove the pilgrim-hope of youth:
The Creeds are milestones on the road to Truth

Carry on my friends and stay inspired!

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