Monday, September 21, 2015

Deeper Than First Look

"The beauty of a person must be seen through their eyes, for that is the doorway to their heart." - Unknown

Do you judge people at first look? To use an old adage about 'judging a book by its cover' there is so much we can miss if we do. And most every one of us do judge others at first glance at one time or another. It is partly biological, to assess the situation quickly.

But the tone of our encounter gets set by first impressions.

Knowing this to be our tendency, it becomes important for you to understand that it is happening. If your first impression is undesirable, a second try is always important. Even if you see a person who doesn't dress the way you think normal people should, the inner person is who you need to seek.

Long ago I knew a friend of my older brother. His name was Richard and was known to associate with a pretty rough and rowdy crowd. When Richard would rode up on his Harley motorcycle, many would take one glance and instantly think trouble. But if you talked to him, he was actually a very nice person. I am sure he had a streak of issues, but looking beneath the surface one could find something an outer look could not convey.

Search for the hidden goodness and many times you will find it.

The same could be said of a "wolf in sheep's clothing" when it comes to first impressions. The well dressed and spoken person could actually be something completely different inside. The veneer of outward appearance can be quite deceiving.

One must look beneath the surface and into the eyes of a person to see who they really are. First looks and first impressions are a generalization our minds make to assess something quickly. Knowing this will give you an ability to look deeper to find the real person.

It might be that your first impression was correct.

Then again, you may find something completely different and you would have missed it without looking further.

Stay inspired my friends!

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