Friday, October 02, 2015

Define Normal For Me

Short is short and Tall is Tall. You are what you are. That is all!” ― Stephen Cosgrove

I was asked once what it was like to live a normal life. The person asking this question had experienced a fair amount of ups and downs in the past. I knew it was a rhetorical question but it did remind me of a quote from Wynonna Judd who said, "My mom always said normal is just a cycle on the washing machine."

Our lives are just that, anything but normal.

If we were to start detailing what a normal life is, most everyone would probably have a hard time coming close to it. I suppose what a normal life is could be defined as 'evening out the highs and lows.'

But like a roller coaster ride, ups and downs will occur.

To me that is what a normal life will consist of; ups and downs and circles and squares. The goal in respect to ups and downs is to create an attitude that will not drag you too low or too high when these things happen.

To ride through the best and worst of times will eventually cause the ride to even out over time. The lows will be easier to deal with and highs will seem som much better. We will get to live life more balanced, more normal in our own kind of way.

Normal is your life and how you react within it.

The roughness of circumstance will ease and if the right attitude grows, your life will lift a notch higher. Expect that life will have ups and downs; everyone else has them. Just know you will carry through and life will get better.

Normal is your normal.

Stay inspired my friends!

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