Showing posts with label august. Show all posts
Showing posts with label august. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Reaching A Goal

Here we are on what many may consider the beginning of the last month of summer. August 1 in the year 2007 and only a few weeks left until many school systems here in the U.S. open their doors.

One last chance to get to the beach, the local swimming pool or a quick vacation. One last chance to prepare for final months of this year. Getting yourself ready to complete all of those goals that you set back on January 1, 2007.

At MyGoals, to stay on track they suggest the following. "First, accept personal responsibility for staying on track. It's not up to anyone else, just you. You alone decide what you want to accomplish, and when." It was you that made the decision to accomplish those things in your heart and mind. So accept the idea that it is you that needs to get them completed.

The final months of any year can be busy and quite distracting. Life has a way of pulling us off our charted course. But with the right attitude and conviction, you can keep your focus on achieving your goals. I read a quote once from a person I think was Michael Hanson who said, "to will is to select a goal, determine a course of action that will bring one to that goal, and then hold to that action till the goal is reached. The key is action.”

Action, movement, continuance towards your goal is what you must remember. Change which will result in your goal is caused by movement. Keep moving towards your goal and accomplish that which you seek.