Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Field Of Flowers - Not Weeds

"Dwelling on the negative simply contributes to its power." - Shirley MacLaine

All of us have asked in conversation how someone is doing. The answer you get in return many times becomes a litany of all the troubles that particular person is experiencing. You listen intently and offer words of advice or consolation. Eventually you begin to feel a bit down yourself.

Negativity in conversation can pull you into a depressing mood.

The feeling of a great day you were having begins to fade away.

It can be eye opening to know how powerful negative thoughts have upon you and the people it surrounds. It feeds upon itself and grows stronger the more you embrace the negative. And strangely, people will believe more in the strength of negativity then in the power of being positive. Being negative is a much easier road to take.

Being positive is like watching a slow developing flower.

Life gains strength the more you nurture a positive attitude.

Negative attitudes are like quick growing weeds, taking over a field in rapid advancement. Great attitudes have to be tended to and the weeds of negativity pulled away. Eventually, you find great things in your life which outweigh any of the bad. Walking through a field of flowers and not weeds is a better life to live.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Smell the Roses

There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” - Henri Matisse

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the flower leaves on the heel of the one that crushed it.” - Unknown

Kind hearts are the gardens,kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the flowers, kind deeds are the fruits. Take care of your garden and keep out the weeds. Fill it with sunshine, kind words and kind deeds.” - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower.” - Unknown

If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today.” - Joyce Chapman

What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” - Joseph Addison

Flowers can do so much in our lives. They bring happiness and joy to anyone that takes the time to enjoy them.

Stop and smell the flowers along the path of your life. Learn from their beauty and let that beauty shine through you.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Find the Flower

There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” -Henri Matisse

If you look at a situation or person, there will normally be some level of goodness to be gained from the experience. Not every bad situation or bad encounter with another person is wasted. There is possibility for learning something positive.

There will be times when you have to look hard to see the goodness and there are times when you fail to find any level of goodness at all. The point to be made is that you should first look. Find something positive to take from every encounter in life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Who Do You Love

"The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever." –The Notebook

This week is a week full of love as Valentine's Day approaches on Thursday, February 14th. It is a week in which our focus turns to the ones we love. We are reminded of why we first fell in love, of whom we love, our children, our parents and our God. It is a week in which we want to be loved and love others.

And while we will send cards and flowers, cute candy sayings and all forms of love's expressions, do we really understand what love is?

In my book Love Is, I examine what the true meaning of what love is. Can we experience love by only receiving it? Does love represent taking or giving? What do we truly obtain by accepting the power of what love can do in our lives?

There is something great packed into the words written in that book and as you will find out, words that will change your life and the way you think about love. What remains of our lives when all else is gone? If we take away possessions, notoriety and all of the other distractions that consume our life, what is always left in our life?

And it all reminds me to ask, "who do you love?"

Stay inspired my friends!