Showing posts with label words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label words. Show all posts

Monday, February 29, 2016

Internet of Words

Our Similarities bring us to a common ground; Our Differences allow us to be fascinated by each other.” - Tom Robbins

The novelist John Steinbeck had a theme in many of his stories about the similar bonds of both love and our humanity "make goodness and happiness possible." It is during times of politics, war, sports, work and every day living those bonds are sorely tested.

I watch my social media accounts reading the various posts of those who are very good and decent people. The internet as soap box will embolden people very much like the perceived anonymity of sitting behind the steering wheel of a car.

The full discourse of human emotion, belief and conjecture are all on display as the melee of words spread across my computer screen. There is no holding back in many instances. The full impact of one's convictions are expressed in fervent display.

At times the noise and vitriol rise to a point of pure hate while other times you will see the crescendo taper off into an "agree to disagree" moment of concession. Yet no one is happy from the outcome and all we are left with is an irritated heart.

What if a partial moment of common ground could be found?

The areas of our humanness where to survive we try to come together. Does it have to be a widening of the gap between what is left or what is right? Do we really feel the middle ground is not a place where we can move ourselves in to?

Or do we simply believe the one who shouts loudest and most often will win over the day? To lead with meanness or or hate is the only way to get attention to be heard. Are we even listening to those who believe differently?

Questions meant to examine how we communicate with each other.

I have a great belief in humanity, in the goodness and love we can show each other. The communication we seek with each other will have its moments of clashing rhetoric. But we can also find commonality in respect and friendliness in our words.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, February 08, 2013

Where Do You Sleep

In the book Attitudes 101 by John C. Maxwell, it included a quote from Thomas Jefferson regarding those with bad attitudes, "nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

I was reminded of this quote after having spoken to some folks recently. One person was battling this type of attitude and I couldn't think of the right words at the time. As I've always suggested, stay positive and encouraging. There are times when being up front is the better approach. But as Mr. Maxwell says, "dealing with a person whose attitude is bad can be a very tricky thing. Before you try to address the issue, you would benefit from a closer look at attitudes and how they affect an individual."

So I read and try to find the right way of handling such a situation. You as an individual need to read both for advice and inspiration. Think of those commercials in which a person just completes a successful surgery and admits he really isn't a doctor, but did sleep in a Holiday Inn last night. Do you really want that person operating on you?

Being a person of great mental attitude, which starts to bring you into the realm of leadership requires knowledge as well as willingness. So enrich your life by reading up. The inspirational stuff is good as it energizes you as well. I've never said that having a great mental attitude would be easier...but it does become more and more a natural part of your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pollen Speaks Life

"The nature of a flower is to bloom." -Alice Walker

Spring appears to have come early to the Atlanta, Georgia area. Very much like the rest of the United States, a mild winter is quickly turning into spring like weather. In fact we might just skip it and go directly to summer.

With the warm weather though comes the heavy dusting of pollen from the pine trees. This yellowish dusting is the most obvious sign although not the most annoying to with allergies. Many of the other plants with their unseen pollen invades the nostrils and lungs.

I am fortunate enough not to be bothered by allergies. But for those that are, this is a very tough time of the year. Why we have pollen is actually uplifting in my view. But to understand why, we must ask...

What is pollen?

Simply put, pollen is the powdery, dusty substance found within flowering plants. The pollen is necessary for the fertilization of like plants so that new seeds can develop, scatter and create more plants. Sounds very similar to those old high school biology classes we sat in.

The reason I find pollen so uplifting is the phrase, "so that new seeds can develop." In other words, new life is born of this process. Without it, the backyards, fields and open land would be barren. The earth would be pretty much void of anything living.

The same can be said of the words you speak into your life and the lives of others. What you say can spring forth good things in life, or they can cause harm and wither you where you stand.

  • Think of good words as good pollen.
  • Think of bad words as mutated pollen.

When you speak good things into your life and others, those words spark new life inside. They form with everything that is good and cause a reaction that force new growth inside of you. And like pollen, the wind and your voice will carry those words to those around you. Your words (good or bad) will pollinate inside the lives of those nearby.

  • If you speak negativity and failure around your children, that is what will grow inside of them.
  • If you speak positive and uplifting words, they will grow in a world of success and goodness.

We are very much like the flower, we are meant to bloom. When a flower opens its petals to release its pollen, our words drift from our speech upon others. And like the flower, we can either leave a yellowish dust to be scorned by people. Or we can spread our words quietly, silently and create new hope and birth in the lives of others.

During this season I will say "gesundheit" for all of the sneezing you might encounter. But I will also say "inspire" others with your words and don't stop when the pollen season ends.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Words Into Action

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

My fourth book has been accepted for publication. My hope is to have it available in time for Christmas. A lot of love is going into this book which should serve as a hint. My wife and I are also looking at starting an organization that you will hear more about in the coming months.

There are also plans to start putting my words to action. There might be some speaking engagements coming along soon. If you have the right venue, the right need and I have the right words, let me know by writing to today.

Putting words into action can result in great things happening. When you put your words into action, movement begins all around you. Opportunity begins to intersect with your life. You start to impact the lives of other people and the ripple effect begins.