Wednesday, July 22, 2009


"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them."
~Desmond Tutu

Recently my wife and I attended a family reunion some distance away. These occur once every two years on my wife's side of the family. It was a great time once again to meet and talk with relatives.

Each reunion, a different family volunteers to plan the next event which is held in many varying places. These reunions can result in upwards of a hundred people attending. Certainly no small feat for the ones planning as cost, location, things to do and of course our final evening dinner together.

This year was no different in planning, but due to the slumping economy, weddings and such...the turn out was smaller. But it was a great time for everyone. The costs were low, the 4th ranked in the nation Henry Doorly Zoo, greats museums such as the Durham Museum or the Joslyn Art Museum along with the Childrens Museum where Elmo was visiting were big hits.

Of course the golfing, shopping in the Old Market, restaurants...there was much to do. So yes, every two years, one set of family members become spokespeople for the local Visitors Bureau. This year, we had a great time and everyone enjoyed getting to see each other once again.

At the end of each reunion, we hold a family dinner. It is here that we all get to be in one place for fellowship, pictures and awards. Yes, awards for the family golf tournament or putt-putt golf tournament. Awards are given for the oldest person, the youngest, the farthest and so on. Small token gifts, but well meaning to acknowledge those in attendance.

A way to let everyone see each other one last time before parting ways in the morning. This year we were able to have the majority of my family attend as well due to the proximity of where they live. Two different families coming together to meet and say hello is a great thing.

It is also a way to let the elders of the family get up and speak to us. This year, my wife's Uncle Mike got up to speak. He reminded us of those that could not make it this year. He reminded us of those that are no longer with us. It was twenty-two years ago that he and his brothers decided that getting together only for funerals was not the way to do it. So eleven reunions have occurred, keeping family members from different corners close and in touch.

So now you are wondering, why all of the fuss over a family reunion? Simply to give you an idea, to plant a seed in your mind, to nudge you to do the same. Whether you have a large or a small family. Or whether it is a close or an extended family, getting together every so often is important.

Enjoy the aspects of family, enjoy being related.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Overcoming Challenges

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they are supposed to help you discover who you are." - Bernice Johnson Reagon

This year's Atlanta Peachtree 10K Roadrace is over and 55,000 runners gave it their all. From highly trained athletes to the casual walker, each one faced and overcame the challenge of completing this 6.1 mile course on a warm July 4th morning.

For me, the challenge was to volunteer for this great event. Even with the training I had taken to run this event again, it was the spirit of volunteering that moved me. The ability to see some great runners finish and the excellent wheelchair athletes were fantastic. And then there were the thousands upon thousands of individual runners I was able to cheer and congratulate at the finish line.

With these challenges behind all of us, a new one comes before me. The Atlanta Thanksgiving Day Half Marathon. A 13.1 mile excursion down Peachtree Street the morning of Thanksgiving ending at the home stadium of the Atlanta Braves. So it will be a big challenge for both myself and my wife.

For each of us, challenges occur not only in the running or sports world, but they occur in our everyday lives. Each day, a new challenge can present itself to us. The idea is to tell ourselves that we can accomplish the task. To overcome the challenge and find new opportunity beyond it.

Are you defeating yourself before the start by not believing in yourself? Or are you starting with the belief that you can overcome anything? Phrases such as 'going the distance' and 'finishing strong' are words that you tell yourself. But you have to believe in them as well.

Believing in oneself is the first major step in overcoming any type of challenge, the rest is just hard work. Overcome your fear of failure, believe in your ability to overcome any challenge in life.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Fill In The Gaps

"Our relationships with others is a means to fill in the gaps of each one's life." -Joe Primm

As we go about trying to live our life, we find that we have gaps in what we are and what we can do. It may be a lack of knowledge in something such as how to cook a meal or balance a check book. Maybe it is trouble finding a job or trying to overcome the emotion of losing that job.

Our life also has exactly that just mentioned, a gap in understanding of certain emotions we encounter. How should one feel when something quite exciting or suddenly sad occurs. It seems to be a never ending struggle to fill those various types of gaps in our life.

This is where each of us can allow our relationship with others to take each of us to greater levels. Collectively we can help fill some of those gaps in someones life. In return, others can fill the gaps in your life as well. It is these 'inter-connections' that can make all of the difference in the world to another person.

A close friend that provides you with support when things are going rough is a gap filled. A spouse there to lift you after a tough few days of work is a gap filled. Anything missing in one's life can be a gap filled.

When I think of my spouse, there are so many parts of me that I could not fill on my own. She has qualities that bring fullness to my life as a person. It is a well worn and some say 'corny' line from a movie, but "she completes me." The gaps in my life are filled by all that I am not, by all that she is.

We can chose in our life to help fill a gap in someone else's life. To care for another person by being a friend, a mentor or something much deeper is a gap filled. Our relationships with others is a means to fill in the gaps of each one's life. Do not be the type of person that enlarges that gap in their life. Be the type of person that fills the gap.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Birthday Wish

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.” - Pamela Vaull Starr

The youngest of the eight turns 19 today, the last teen of so many children we have raised. My four boys and my wife's four girls, one final year with a teenager in the house. So let me get this out of the way first;

"Happy Birthday To You !!"
"Happy Birthday To You !!"
"Happy Birthday Dear Jake-man !!"
"Happy Birthday To You !!"

Sounds better in written format and it will not chase off readers of this article. But as any parent, we are proud of all our children and their individual talents. On his birthday though we turn attention to the youngest. Surely his brothers harass him on being the 'baby' of the family, but he stands on his own.

His musical talent, song writing skills and guitar playing amaze me immensely. The band he co-founded called Electric Eel House Surprize (EEHS for short) is getting close to releasing their first CD. They have had a very successful first live appearance at a local night club where many bands get their start.

Of course, the parent in me wants him to get that college degree to 'safe guard' him against the cruel statistics of the music business. If anything, the knowledge can help guard him against the cruelty of the business itself. But my greater want is for him to reach for his dreams, to be successful and share his talent with the world.

It is anything that any parent would want for their own child. We simply want it for all eight of our children. But again, today it is Steve's birthday and our wish is for him to have success. He will work for it, he will earn it, he will enjoy that success.

Be a cheer leader for yourself, but be a cheer leader for your children. Lift them and if need be, lift them up and past you. There is no feeling like it in this world. And should they fall, you will be there to catch them; to help dust them off; to help push them back up again. Your life will be rewarded far beyond imagine.

So happy birthday Steve, happy birthday everyone!