Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Love

"Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action." -Mother Teresa

The scene of a perfect Christmas made even more special by a Currier & Ives painting. The view we want to have of a gentle snow outside and a warm nestling fire inside fills our mind. Crisply wrapped gifts glisten under the wonderfully decorated tree draws our eye. So many times we have searched for the idyllic setting.

The perfect Christmas setting from these pictures and advertisement is hardly attainable. The wind will likely be blowing outside and the cold will still seep inside. The level of Christmas we attain is not the gifts nor the picture perfect setting.

The level of Christmas we achieve is the love we attach to all that we do. At this time of the year we have a little more grace in our hearts. At this time of year we have a little more giving in our pocket books. At this time, we simply love more.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Gifts

"A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man's mind can get both provocation and privacy." ~Edward P. Morgan

Tis the season to be jolly. A season when each of us can stop and ponder what is important in our lives. Whether it be the religious observances or simple celebrations, it affords us a time to gather with those we love.

It also gives us an opportunity to do something good for another person. There are many ways to do this and it doesn't have to be a large expensive effort. Small things can impact people in large ways.

Today, I'm promoting my books which are meant to inspire and motivate others. They give each of us hope and encouragement to do greater things in our lives. You can purchase through LULU.COM or search the Internet.

CHANGED LIVES and ATTITUDE IN WORDS are books that I wrote in order to provide a bit of inspiration. A way to show others that there is a path to a greater life, to change your circumstance and move forward.

Now there is the question I get asked, what happens to the money I make? Any money I make goes to different charities. Recipients such as Crohns & Colitis Foundation of America, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, my church The C3 Church and other various organizations that do great things for both individuals and communities.

Heck, if I were getting rich on this there would be publishing companies knocking on my door (they are not, but eventually they will) and Oprah would have me listed in her book club (she has not, but I'm waiting for their phone call).

So get online and order a book to give someone for Christmas. Maybe buy it for yourself. And then drop me an email at josephprimm@bellsouth.net and tell me what changes you have made in life. Give me your story or the story of someone you know that either lifts someone or was lifted them self.

If I get enough of these stories, I will have another book with your story available for sharing next Christmas. Tis the season to be jolly. Spread the joy with others and see it impact your own life.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Faith and Fact

Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence.” -Richard Dawkins

Well here it goes, I'm venturing off into an area in which I will likely disgruntle a few people. The quote I'm using today is meant to spur a conversation and Richard Dawkins, a biological theorist and well publicized atheist, may just start one.

My use of the quote came to mind after spending some time with a friend whom is in the hospital. An accident at home left him with a bum shoulder that was not getting better with physical therapy. The medical specialist made a decision that based upon the continued symptoms, shoulder arthroscopic surgery would fix the issue. It seemed to me that the doctor was going based on faith in his experience only.

No MRI, no further tests, just go in and see what we can find. I call that exploratory as opposed to having a fact-based plan. It was simple faith in his ability to explore and discover which drove his surgical plan.

Once in the shoulder, more invasive steps were needed to open up the shoulder to try and repair. As the surgery proceeded, it became clear that no repair could occur and shoulder reconstruction would be required. So my friend will wait for this most current surgery to heal and have faith that a future surgery will resolve the injury.

His faith or belief will sustain him and push him towards having that reconstructive surgery. Only then will fact come into reality with either success or failure of the surgical repairs. Both faith and fact enter into the decisions made. This is where I believe the connection exists between faith and fact.

People take many different paths to resolving the story of their life. Some take a route of faith for all answers and resolution. When those answers do not come to realization, then they either flounder or question their belief.

Others will take a pure fact based approach to everything. They depend only upon the science of the question to provide an answer. When fact can not explain something, there is nothing for them to lean on for a decision.

To me, life is a mixture of both faith and fact. While depending solely upon faith could be considered a 'cop-out', depending upon fact only can result in never having the urge to try anything new. There has to be a certain level of faith in the unknown. Some may call it "exploratory surgery" or a "search for facts". Faith gives you the drive to keep moving forward while you investigate the facts.

Religion or science, we are all searching for a truth. It is our human nature to reach for understanding in everything we are. Faith drives my willingness to continue that pursuit. It satisfies for now my wonderment of the unknown, the reason for our existence, how we developed to the point we are. Fact gives me pieces to that puzzle that I'm assembling for my life.

Together, fact and faith will guide me through my natural existence. Together they will help me live a life that I want to live.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Am I Cranky

There will be good days and bad, which means that some days I may be cranky and some days really cranky!” ~ Peter Jennings

So I fully admit it, I get cranky from time to time and my wife is probably still trying to figure it out. Guys will tend to crawl off into a 'man cave' and I'm no exception. But I will for no apparent or good reason simply become cranky.

Have I figured it out yet? No and not sure that I ever will. I sit back and try to review what started the mood but never find the source. With patience the mood swings away from me. Patience on the part of others and mostly my wife means I am lucky not to be living alone.

Its one of those things that life throws at us. Things that come at us in unexplainable ways. Things that we just have to deal with and move on from. Maybe it isn't being cranky, maybe its being wreckless, maybe its being depressed or maybe its being one of a thousand other things. Each one of these vary in frequency, length and level of intensity.

For some of these there are explanations and ways of eliminating them from your life. Others remain a mystery and become a part of our lives. What we need to make sure is that they do not take over our lives. With understanding people around us, we work through the 'cranky' period. With those same people around, you too will work through whatever it is you may be experiencing.