Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Glass Of Water

"I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." ~Groucho Marx

There she was, the Delta Airlines flight attendant, standing at the front of the plane and pleasure was not written upon her face. It was getting late in the evening of a holiday with one more to go and 142 passengers.

Sometimes you can just see it all over a person. The pain or frustration of a day, a job or a lifetime. Many people would see it on another person and shy away. Not me though, I only wanted a glass of water.

The way she addressed or responded to people was not all that pleasant. I would describe it as a tourist asking a New Yorker for directions on a hot and humid day in Times Square. It was not going to be fun but I was determined to make an effort. Besides, all I wanted was a glass of water.

Rumbling down the aisle, "watch your elbows please" was the constant and stern warning of my flight attendant. I say 'my flight attendant' because I was going to make her smile and let her day finish brighter then it appears to have started.

So many times we see people that we would rather avoid. We get a perception of them that probably isn't very flattering. But we can never know what exactly is happening in their world. So much is hidden inside but it surfaces on the faces of those having a bad day. You can make a difference in that day, sometimes by simply asking for a glass of water.

When our row was approached, before asking for something I instead to ask how she was. I offered up a pleasant great day and thanking her for working on a holiday. All of a sudden it appeared, a smile. The hard shell of the day seemed to melt away. Maybe things would be just a little better. Maybe what troubled her was going to be okay.

And then, she offered me a glass of water.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Gone Fishin

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." ~Henry David Thoreau

Today marks a final work day before an extended holiday weekend here in the United States. On Sunday we celebrate the American holiday called Independence Day, which is not the one depicted in the movie with Will Smith. It is a time to remember those that fought and waged for our independence as a country. Along with the barbecues, parades and fireworks it will be a fun weekend.

It is also a weekend where I would love to be on a quiet lake. To be out in the middle of the calm waters with a fishing pole, cigar and cool drink catching fish. It is a serene thought that crosses my mind which takes me to that lake. I guess you could call it that 'special' place inside my head. Catching fish, quietly, consistently and then putting them back going about my business without any fanfare.

I have watched those fishing tournaments, the fancy fishing boats that some use. The racing across the waters to areas found with fish finders and six different pre-lured fishing poles. All going after the high profile fish, making a large impression on the viewing public. These fisherman are good at what they do and deserve credit for the work they do.

Those of us that do not have the expensive boats and sponsorships still get out there. We read the currents and temperatures, looking for a place to throw out our line. The catch can be hard at times but the result is still a great feeling. We go about our fishing without fanfare or notoriety.

The interesting thing is that we tend to forget that we actually fish every day. We enter into other peoples lives and impact them in ways we may not realize. But with each encounter or "catch", we have the ability to impact them in a positive way. To impact them such that when we leave or "throw them back", they are a little better.

So whether its down by the fishin hole or at the neighborhood grocery store, we are all fishermen in one sense or another. We can be high profile fishermen such as Anthony Robbins or Dr. Phil helping people create great lives. Or we can be the normal average Joe, "catching fish, quietly, consistently and then putting them back going about my business without any fanfare." Each of us can make an impact on another, each of us can make a difference in the lives of someone else.

Keep out the "Gone Fishin" sign and enjoy the wonder of it.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Half Way July

"A well-ordered life is like climbing a tower; the view halfway up is better than the view from the base, and it steadily becomes finer as the horizon expands." ~William Lyon Phelps

Here we are, the halfway point of the year 2010. July first and the rest of the year lay out in front of us like the top of a tower. We have made our way, slowly and surely seeing an ever expanding horizon. The top may look insurmountable, but you just cut the insurmountable in half.

Continue your climb, continue with the goals you set for this year. It was way back at the bottom (January 1st) that you set out on your journey. The winds buffeted you; the rains tried to wash you away; heat and cold have placed their burdens upon you as well.

There are even people at the bottom yelling for you to stop. They are telling you that you can not make it. They are urging you to turn around and come back. But you have and continue to disregard their attempts to pull you back down.

And why do you keep moving towards your goal? As Janis Ian said, "once you're halfway home, you know that you can probably get the rest of the way there."

Those same obstacles will continue to claw at you. In fact the higher you get, your own fear may try to grip you. A fear so consuming that you may freeze your movement or turn around. Overcome those fears and look to the horizon. See the wonderous views expanding before you and know how much greater that view will be from the top.

The second half remains ahead of you, success is there and you can make it to the top. The further you go, the voices which try to hold you back will begin to fade. The obstacles will become less of a burden. Your own instincts will guide you further to the top.

Pretty soon you will be there, firmly at the top, basking in the completed journey. You will look out across the wide expanse and say to yourself, "wheres my next tower to climb?" And you will.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Band Of Differences

"I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap." ~Ani DiFranco

I have been trying to stay true to a workout schedule over the last month or so. Running each day for about 40-50 minutes, it tests my resolve to remain consistent. Most of this is due to the Peachtree 10K Roadrace that my wife and I run in each year.

It becomes more of a challenge each year but I keep plugging along. Due to the heat here in Atlanta, I have been running on the treadmills at the gym I attend (C3 Fitness) where its much more bearable during the time of day I train.

Each day I see some of the same folks including a friend by the name of Jim Crumbley. Jim is a former United States Marine and owner of a security firm called Risk Response and a pretty great individual to be around. Being former Marine, he prides in taking care of his body. There he is lifting weights, going through the routines that sculpt a body. Doing the lifts that I have never had much of an ability to do.

I view my lifting ability as just smart enough and just strong enough to get done what I can. Which means I'm not the strongest of individuals. My forte in my earlier years was running. Some may joke that I could quickly evade a situation as opposed to having to test my strength.

I spoke with Jim recently of my admiration for his lifting ability and to my surprise he commented about my ability to run. His knees are nearing the brink of shambles and running is not something he can do much of these days. We then sort of chuckled and celebrated our differences when it comes to the physical abilities each has.

And it is those differences we have, those things which we can choose to celebrate and share. Think of the HBO movie based upon the book called BAND OF BROTHERS. A wide variety of individuals together under a common cause. Each with different strengths and weaknesses, depending and trusting the other to cover those differences.

Everyday life can also celebrate those differences and not in a manner that I'm better or worse than anyone else. The celebration is that we have friends, buddies or others that will stand in for us. In turn we will stand in where another person's weakness exists. In this manner, we all begin to lift each other to greater lives.

To stand alone will get you only so far in life. Standing together with others will return so much more into my life then could be accomplished by myself. I know that standing alongside Jim Crumbley, Mark Creath, David Spell or any one of a hundred men I call my brothers will sustain me for a lifetime.

Celebrate our differences by using those differences to strenghten the other. When you change your attitude, you change your life. Stand with others in a band of differences and together greatness will be achieved.