Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fishing. Show all posts

Friday, July 02, 2010

Gone Fishin

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." ~Henry David Thoreau

Today marks a final work day before an extended holiday weekend here in the United States. On Sunday we celebrate the American holiday called Independence Day, which is not the one depicted in the movie with Will Smith. It is a time to remember those that fought and waged for our independence as a country. Along with the barbecues, parades and fireworks it will be a fun weekend.

It is also a weekend where I would love to be on a quiet lake. To be out in the middle of the calm waters with a fishing pole, cigar and cool drink catching fish. It is a serene thought that crosses my mind which takes me to that lake. I guess you could call it that 'special' place inside my head. Catching fish, quietly, consistently and then putting them back going about my business without any fanfare.

I have watched those fishing tournaments, the fancy fishing boats that some use. The racing across the waters to areas found with fish finders and six different pre-lured fishing poles. All going after the high profile fish, making a large impression on the viewing public. These fisherman are good at what they do and deserve credit for the work they do.

Those of us that do not have the expensive boats and sponsorships still get out there. We read the currents and temperatures, looking for a place to throw out our line. The catch can be hard at times but the result is still a great feeling. We go about our fishing without fanfare or notoriety.

The interesting thing is that we tend to forget that we actually fish every day. We enter into other peoples lives and impact them in ways we may not realize. But with each encounter or "catch", we have the ability to impact them in a positive way. To impact them such that when we leave or "throw them back", they are a little better.

So whether its down by the fishin hole or at the neighborhood grocery store, we are all fishermen in one sense or another. We can be high profile fishermen such as Anthony Robbins or Dr. Phil helping people create great lives. Or we can be the normal average Joe, "catching fish, quietly, consistently and then putting them back going about my business without any fanfare." Each of us can make an impact on another, each of us can make a difference in the lives of someone else.

Keep out the "Gone Fishin" sign and enjoy the wonder of it.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Mending A Fishing Net

"Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." -Henry David Thoreau

UPDATED ARTICLE: How To Mend A Fishing Net

I have had many people come to my web blog looking for ways to 'mend a fishing net'. Most times they end up with my article Mending Fishing Nets that speaks about keeping the 'network' of friends you have in life close and in repair.

But in fairness to those that have commented and are looking for a way to 'really' mend a fishing net, then I provide the following links below to sites that offer real tips on mending fishing nets.

It is a starting place for those in need of net repairing information. I don't receive any money if you click on the link. I just felt it necessary to give those that want that type of site, a link to get there.

And if you need some encouragement because your net is in bad need of repair; read some of my articles and see if it helps.

Mending a Net

DIY Fishing Tips: fishing net repair

How to Mend a Fishing Net

So come back and read a few articles on my site that will give you something to think about while mending your nets. It will help you strengthen the 'net' of friendships and life around you.

Happy Fishing

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mending Fishing Nets

"Repairing Fishing Nets"
- photography by Don Kon

Your life is like a series of connections, like the knots of a fishing net. Each knot is a relationship with another person. As these knots or connections grow, the larger the net becomes. Your impact on other peoples lives grows as well.

But you can't simply create a connection and forget about it. Each knot of the net has to be tended to. When a weak spot develops, a hole can develop. Not only your relationship but a piece of your life slips through.

When this happens, what is left will be difficult to gather back in. So mending and caring for each connection is important.

These relationships are more important than having all of the money in the world. These relationships define who you are. An old saying goes something like this, "he who dies with the most toys wins." But the reality of it is that "he who dies with the most toys still dies."

Tend to your life net connections, those relationships that will improve your life and others. The net will be there when you fall and help you when you recover. It will impact and connect many people to many others. It is your impact on other lives that will mean the most when life ends...a lasting memory to guide others when you are long gone.