Thursday, January 13, 2011

Big Expectations

"There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow." ~Orison Swett Marden

You have had it happen before, probably many times before. You go to bed at night having an expectation of something happening in the morning. It could be waiting on news from a doctor, word of a new job or anticipation of reuniting with family. Quickly you fall asleep and slumber takes over in a comforting way.

And then it happens, something startles you awake from a deep sleep. You clear your senses and look to the clock on the bed stand to find it is only 11:00pm. Not to worry, you snuggle back into the covers and fall asleep only to wake again. This time it is only 1:45am, far short of the rising sun.

This goes on and on while you start to think ahead to the new day's events. The expectation grows in you and it only makes sleep harder to achieve. You worry and stare at the clock as the alarm draws closer and closer.

Expectation of things to come can have this type of effect upon us. We draw up grand thoughts of what is to come. We then start to concern ourselves that the reality will not meet the expectation. Over and over again we do this and eventually we stop trying to expect good things in our life.

This is when we stop living a life geared as movement towards a great life. We stop realizing our dreams, stop acting on our dreams, we stop dreaming.

Don't ever let the reality of something win over the expectation you may have. Expect grand and great things for your life. Always expect more then what the reality may provide.

When reality hits, understand that it is providing you with the opportunity to shoot for even more in life. If the reality doesn't rise to meet the expectation, keep believing in more, keep trying for more.

You can give up when reality doesn't meet the expectation. Or you can still get up when the alarm goes off at 7:00am and go meet the reality. Once you have met up with reality, then dream some more, expect more and spend another night with great expectation of greater things in your life.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cabin Fever

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other." ~Walter Elliot

To carry on my conversation slightly from a previous day, snow here in the Atlanta area crippled much of the area. For three days schools have been closed and many government and private businesses as well. The roads have remained pretty slick and dangerous to travel upon.

There is relief in sight as the sun makes an appearance today and warmer temperatures are expected the following day. But everyone keeps talking about cabin fever. When will this ever end, will we ever be able to get out and get moving again.

One could say that working towards a goal for your life can have periods of 'cabin fever' also. It is that point in your journey when nothing seems to be working quite right. You hold off on trying anything because you have become discouraged. You huddle and hide behind closed doors in dimly lit rooms wondering what next.

That discouragement is like an ice storm outside, keeping you from moving forward. It keeps you locked up inside while you question yourself and your goals. And the longer it goes on, the more it tightens its grip on you.

The trick is to fight the discouragement and persevere. Instead of allowing yourself to think of what is going wrong, concentrate on what did go right. And if you can't find anything positive up to this point, then focus your energy on new ways, new things, new paths to try.

It takes just as much energy to concentrate on positive steps as it does the negative steps taken. So if you want to "get out of the cabin", then use your energy to find new positive things for your life. You can't change what has already happened.

The past is just that, the past. What you can affect is your future; that is for certain. So put on some snowshoes or maybe some cleated shoes, but either way keep trying. Keep moving forward, keep trying new things, keep advancing towards your best life.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Preparing For Snow In Your Life

"Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me." ~Carl Sandburg

Everyone knew it was coming. Everyone planned by buying up groceries for the kitchen and gas for the car. The various road departments had the sanding trucks on standby. The airlines started cancelling nearly 2000 flights. Schools were closing, businesses were closing; the whole city was shutting down in preparation for the snow.

And then it happened. There it was, six inches of snow across the Atlanta area. The large amount of snow came as predicted and many still felt unprepared for it. Snow and then sleet on top of it with the rest of the country looking on.

Those further north are much more prepared for this sort of thing and snicker at our efforts. But yes, this much snow can pretty much paralyze the south. The good thing is that we can usually count on the temperatures moderating fairly quickly. This does mean our winter wonderland will be somewhat short lived.

Seems very much like life itself. Sometimes we can see it coming far off down the path we are walking. We prepare ourselves for it, we know its going to happen, but when it does finally happen we still feel unprepared. And I would venture to say that you are better off for having prepared.

Yet it is those times when the 'unexpected' happens that we feel even more frustrated. You see when circumstance happens or even being prepared for a snow storm in your life, you still have to work through it.

We can sit back and watch the snow and ice fall. Watch as it covers everything with a hard thick covering. Watch as it smothers our life until we find it even harder to move.

Or we can enjoy the snow, get out and clear the driveway or path of our journey in order to proceed. When the unexpected happens or even when we prepare and become overwhelmed, the true path is forward. Keep pushing through the snow and ice. Carefully of course, but with the intent that this too shall pass, this too we shall overcome.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Healthy Heart

"According to the American Heart Association, about 785,000 Americans have an initial heart attack and another 470,000 have a recurrent heart attack each year." -Centers for Disease Control

It takes years and habits to clog your arteries but it takes only minutes for death to occur from it. Yes, I'm talking about taking care of yourself. Health is one of the Six Spokes we have in life that has to have attention paid to it.

The symptoms of Coronary Heart Disease occur when a substance called plaque builds up in the arteries that supply blood to the heart (called coronary arteries). Plaque is made up of cholesterol deposits, which can accumulate in your arteries. When this happens, your arteries can narrow over time.

Plaque buildup can cause angina, the most common symptom of CAD. This condition causes chest pain or discomfort because the heart muscle doesn't get enough blood. Over time, CAD can weaken the heart muscle. This may lead to heart failure, a serious condition where the heart can't pump blood the way that it should. An irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, can also develop.

It can get ugly, it can make your life miserable, it can make your life go away. Pay attention to your health, pay attention to your heart. The picture above might make your stomach turn a little bit. But that is what can happen inside the myriad of arteries and veins that traverse our body.

When the big ones near your heart get clogged, the heart weakens and as the heart goes, so goes the rest of the body. I have seen it first hand in watching my father battle it and win. I have seen it first hand through losing a brother to it.

Do I stand here and implore you to pay attention to your heart health? Does it sound like I'm harping upon you to do so? Do I watch my own heart health?


Stay around for a while, don't let yourself fall to a preventable disease. I'll pester you from time to time and by all means feel free to pester me about it.