Thursday, June 02, 2011

Another Brass Ring

Picture comes from The Brass Ring Poem, by Janet Boyd.
It is well worth a read when you finish here.

"We dance around the ring and suppose, but the secret sits in the middle and knows." -Robert Frost

This article was an early one in my blog writing days. It shows that I was still learning how to structure the pictures, the quotes, the links and my thoughts. But I found it to be a good one that even today gathers a fair amount of views.

I was recently reminded of the article while watching a show about amusement parks. One in particular was the Looff Carousel at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park in Santa Cruz, California. It features a brass ring dispenser that was interesting to hear about.

So without anymore ado, the original post titled "Grab A New Attitude - Grab The Brass Ring".

Ever sit around thinking about how your life could be different. Going round and round in your mind, like sitting on a merry-go-round.

Maybe daydreaming at work regarding how much you may not like what it is you do.

Maybe sitting in traffic between your place of work and home wondering if your well used vehicle couldn't be replaced by a new one.

Maybe at home watching television on that 25" envisioning what it would be like to have a large screen version with surround sound.

Maybe just wishing you had more meaning or purpose in your life.

Daydreaming, wondering and envisioning is good. Everyone should have dreams and goals for a better life. But you wonder how can I ever achieve them? How am I going to grasp that 'brass ring'?

Stop and think about the merry-go-round. Around and around and around and around in circles with the same music. As an amusement ride, I love them for the memories it brings back growing up. For the simplicity of the ride, for the safety of the ride. What can go wrong in a round the circle ride. I had always wondered why the 'brass ring' was there. It hit me years ago that it is there to add a bit of excitement to the ride.

For those that dared to, they could reach out in an attempt to grab it. Maybe earn a free ride or a prize. Many wouldn't try, simply content to hold on tight to go around and around and around. The ones that did keep trying to grab the brass ring eventually succeeded. They had the courage to overcome fear and reach out. What then was left? To move on to another more exciting ride. To take a chance at something different. To move on from the same thing over and over, around and around, again and again.

Get out there and make a move. Sitting still, not changing the way you do things results in just that - nothing changes. Another year goes by, around in a circle on the merry-go-round watching the brass ring pass you by.

Don't wait - reach out and make a change in your life. Reach for the brass ring, do something to help someone else, move your attitude to a higher plateau. Start moving and change will occur.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Fishing Advice

"The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself." -Oscar Wilde

The following article was originally posted on February 13, 2007. I thought it was a pretty decent article about taking care of your relationships. What I didn't expect was how the title "Mending Fishing Nets" would become a search item for fishermen.

I was getting so many hits to the article, I had the sense that maybe it was a great article. Yet I tempered my excitement and soon realized the majority were from coastal locations. These were people actually looking for advice on mending a fishing net.

To make sure I didn't turn away those people, I changed the articles to give links to some actual sites offering that advice. I also gave these people an offer to return to my site later for motivation and inspiration.

I still get quite a few hits to these articles. So hopefully I'm providing a good service. In a way maybe I'm helping fishermen become fishers of men.

So here is the original posting:

Your life is like a series of connections, like the knots of a fishing net. Each knot is a relationship with another person. As these knots or connections grow, the larger the net becomes. Your impact on other peoples lives grows as well.

But you can't simply create a connection and forget about it. Each knot of the net has to be tended to. When a weak spot develops, a hole can develop. Not only your relationship but a piece of your life slips through.

When this happens, what is left will be difficult to gather back in. So mending and caring for each connection is important.

These relationships are more important than having all of the money in the world. These relationships define who you are. An old saying goes something like this, "he who dies with the most toys wins." But the reality of it is that "he who dies with the most toys still dies."

Tend to your life net connections, those relationships that will improve your life and others. The net will be there when you fall and help you when you recover. It will impact and connect many people to many others. It is your impact on other lives that will mean the most when life ends...a lasting memory to guide others when you are long gone.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sufficient Love

"Love possesses not nor will it be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love." -Khalil Gibran

A bit light on articles this week although I plan on posting a couple of favorites from the past. I am taking this week to clear up a few things at work and then spend the rest with family on a short vacation.

The picture and quote shown above are a little hint of what my next book will be. I'm still a ways off but plan to have it ready for Christmas gift giving. As the time draws closer, I will give you more bits and pieces.

Until then, the books I have out there already could always use another reader. I am also working on getting them into eBook format which will make the whole idea of becoming an avid reader of mine easier.

All I ask is that you keep reading, keep dreaming, but more importantly keep moving forward.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Days To Remember

"Love... it surrounds every being and extends slowly to embrace all that shall be." -Khalil Gibran

It was only supposed to be dinner for four and a movie. There was to be nothing more than good conversation and escape from the the week's work. But then I entered the room and you smiled.

Happy Birthday Laura, my friend, my love, my life.

"A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle." -George William Curtis

I would also like to say thank you to my son Dan for his continued service to our country. Thank you to him and the millions of others that have and continue to serve so bravely and boldly. I also say thank you to those that are taking those first steps to serve. Each of you are proud examples of a great and loving nation.

This great country was built by great people. It continues to be a great country despite the ups and downs we endure. And it is great people such as yourselves that protect and defend it so well. Thank you and I wish only continued strength and safety in your daily mission.