Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ReStore Others, ReStore You

"By a Carpenter mankind was made, and only by that Carpenter can mankind be remade." -Desiderius Erasmus

As I continue this "week of giving" there is so much that you can choose to do. My self-proclaimed week is meant to draw attention to areas in which you can enage and impact the lives of other people. Yes, you can impact other people just by engaging in a small act of giving.

Today the example is "Habitat for Humanity" and ways that you can be part of a wonderful story. This organization was founded in 1976 by Millard and Linda Fuller. Today, Habitat for Humanity is a world leader in addressing the issues of poverty housing. Over 500,000 homes and nearly 2 million people have shelter.

The interesting part is that homes are constructed by volunteers and professionals. They are also constructed using the sweat equity and time of the person/s that will be living in the home. "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life" means so much in this process of building and restoring lives.

So what can you do?

There are lots of different ways you can become involved such as volunteering to help build a home in your community. You can donate monie to the organization that will help them meet its home building expenses. You can also help by donating your left over building materials and home goods. You can go in and purchase these same types of items from the hundreds of stores called Habitat for Humanity ReStore (click to find a store near you).

These ReStore outlets focus on home improvement goods like furniture, home accessories, building materials and appliances. The purpose is to accept donated goods which are sold to the general public at a fraction of the retail price. The proceeds than go to help local Habitat affiliates fund the construction of Habitat homes within their communities.

One such store locally for me is the Gwinnett Habitat for Humanity ReStore in nearby Lawrenceville, GA. I have included a video tour.

What is important, not only to help promote this organization, is to just do something. Help any one of a hundred different organizations that help those in need. I think it is important in our lives to give back whenever we can. To help others lift themselves up is the correct and right thing to do in your life.

If you give back just a little extra during this Christmas season, the world will be just a little better because of you.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tis the Season

"Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go." -Mother Teresa

Gift, the transfer of something without the expectation of receiving something in return.

Generosity, the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return.

Charity (practice), the giving of help to those in need who are not related to the giver.

The holiday season has begun officially, at least on my calendar. In some places (namely stores) it started about a month ago with the selling of Christmas items and early sales to lure you in. For me the Christmas Holiday starts after the Thanksgiving Holiday here in the United States. I have always felt that Thanksgiving gets short shrift in all of the excitement of Christmas.

But I am not here to discuss the level of attention one holiday gets over another. What I am here to talk about is Christmas and the receiving and giving of presents. There will be little Bobbie and Suzie to get presents for. Then of course Uncle Fred, Aunt Louise, your brother Earl and sister-in-law June will need a gift. The list can grow long and complicated.

Along with giving to family and friends, think about giving to those you may not know. You could give an extra generous tip to the waitress at Waffle House. Maybe you could clean out your closet of any clothes and shoes older than six months and give to a charity. There is the Salvation Army that can always use volunteers to help feed those in need.

Quite frankly, there is no shortage of places you can think of, find or look up. Apply a few minutes to making a list as you would your Christmas shopping list. Then go out and love the world with your giving, large or small it makes a huge difference in the life of people. It will have a huge impact on your own life.

Enjoy the holiday season, remember what Christmas means and its greatest gift to us and than spread that love and caring to others.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thank You Words

I am sitting in the lounge at Gatwick Airport in London, UK as I write this. The local newspapers fill my time as I await my flight.

One particular article in the Daily Mail reports that the phrase "thank you" is falling out of fashion. While many will still say thank you roughly 5,000 times per year, many more are replacing it with "cheers" or "ta" a third of the time.

Even the twenty-year olds are using more phrases such as "nice one" or "cool" as a replacement. Of all those polled, one in twenty believed "thank you" was not necessary in everyday conversation.

An interesting thing is that most will use the phrase in emails or text messages, but not in person.

For me, I believe it is important to say and be thankful. It provides others with the knowledge that you are appreciative of them no matter what the occasion might be. A clerk at the store, the newspaper vendor, your co-worker, a friend and your family.

It is quite easy to say and it never gets old.

So I am thankful for all that I have.

I am thankful for all of those that help me get through the day.

I am thankful for my co-workers, my friends and everything they are to me in life.

I am thankful for my family, my children, and my wonderful wife for each being an integral part of my existence.

I am thankful for my belief and faith in God for He sustains me and fills me with strength.

I am thankful and for that I say "thank you."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Going Up or Down

"He stands erect by bending over the fallen. He rises by lifting others." -Douglas Horton

During this current business trip that I am on, every morning and every evening I use the elevator. It either lowers me to the ground floor so that I may have my breakfast. At night it lifts me to my floor so I may sleep away the day's tiredness.

Most every one of these days I cross a threshold where the sliding doors open and close. A recorded voice warns me of both their opening and impending closing. The voice asks me to select my floor number and announces it when we arrive. It is an elevator that seems to take care in taking care of others.

Recently one morning, I happened to notice the name on the threshold. The name was Otis and for some reason I connected the name to the recorded voice. It was amusing to me as the voice of the elevator is a female voice. I thought to myself, her name is Otis; amusing only to me I would guess.

Every day, hour upon hour and minutes upon minutes, people walk over Otis. But never a complaint, never a worry or concern. Otis continues to serve the needs of others without a loss of voice or strength. Otis will lower you safely from the highest floors, placing your feet on solid ground. This fine elevator will also lift you up when you have had a hard day and need rest.

Each of us can be like Otis in our daily lives. We can help lower others to the solid safety of the ground. When others have gotten to the edge of destruction in their lives, we can offer a safe elevator to come back down and regather themselves.

We can also provide the extra lift in their lives when the day has gotten them down. They can rise in spirit and comfort as we ask them which floor they wish to get to. We then safely lift them and open the doors to a new and greater place.

Otis is simply an elevator, mechanical and pre-programmed. You are not. But you can help people down from the scariest of heights and lift them as well to wondrous new levels.

You have the ability to bring a human connection into the picture. You have the ability to be an elevator to others. So which floor would you like please?