Friday, February 07, 2014

Why Not Smile

"Men of action, above all those whose actions are guided by love, live forever."
- Jose Marti

All attribution to Andy Andrews for the content in this article. I truly enjoy his writing and every once in a while, I like to share some of his thoughts and ideas. After you read this article, take a few moments to follow the link provided to find out more about Andy.

Learning How to Express Our Gratitude

There are so many invisible people in our lives who provide services and never get thanked. You will stand out when you stop and say, "I just wanted to say thanks for what you're doing." The possessor of a grateful spirit, who gives that gratefulness to others, will not have to daily choose to be happy. It will be a conditioned effect. You'll wake up happy. You have to choose to be happy at first, but the conditioning will take over and soon you will BE happy.

How does this translate into personal, business, and financial success? Happiness leads to opportunities. Become somebody that other people want to be around. People want to be around happy people. That's why happy people receive opportunities. Opportunities translate into success.

Nobody expects you to be happy every moment of every day, but you can make a choice to smile. You will attract people in your life and when you become a person other people want to be around, you will attract their opportunities as well.

I've been asked, "What one thing can somebody do to change their life? It's going to blow your mind because it's so simple:

"Smile while you talk."

Very few people do this. Even when people tell jokes, they don't smile while they talk. Most people talk with a serious or bland expression on their face. Get in front of a mirror and learn to smile while you talk. Add a little chuckle while you're talking, and have laughter coming through in your voice, and everything will change. When you smile at people, they will smile back.

And I dare you to have people not participate in whatever it is you want them to participate in. If you want people to sign the deal or be your client forever, learn to smile while you talk. Your spouse, your kids, your neighbors, everybody will react to you differently when you smile as you talk.

Happiness is a choice and you are making that choice today. The bubbling laughter in your soul is an expression of enthusiasm, the fuel that moves the world. Your smile is the most potent weapon you have. Always remember to be the possessor of a grateful spirit, and to share that gratefulness liberally!

So today, choose to be happy and stay inspired my friends.

Check out more on Andy Andrews. He is a great author and can help you change your world for the better.

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Boldly Overcome

"Begin, be bold and venture to be wise." - Horace

Change has to start some "where" and at some "time" if you truly want to get to a place in life that you would rather be. We can dream every day and even wish for it to magically appear. But even dreams have to encounter opportunity in order for them to ever become a reality.

And one might wonder where to start. 

One first step is to 'write down on a piece of paper the dream or goal'. This step is crucial and is your first accomplishment in reaching your goal. It is a physical and real thing once the goal is on that piece of paper taped to your bedroom mirror.

Chris Pringle refers to this empty piece of paper as your dream being empty.

Not until you write it down does it begin the journey. It creates movement that will have you boldly go forward to make a change in your life. Of course, none of this happens with out some level of fear. Each of us have examples of change inspite of our fears.

Some of the fears I've encountered are;

- When I was 19, my girlfriend became pregnant and we married. The fear of this change gripped me, but I took it on and today (although divorced from her) we have four wonderful boys.

- When I dreamed of a better job after six years in a 'go no where' job, could I truly perform? I buckled down and learned everything I could, then found the company I still work for after nearly 30 years of employment.

- When my marriage fell apart after twenty-one years, my normal and comfortable life evaporated. Boldly I found the means to move forward, develop new relationships and marry once again. Today, still the four wonderful boys, but also an amazing wife and four amazing step-daughters and grandkids.

- When my position in the company seemed to languish, I dreamed of performing more consulting type work. I took the steps to move out of my comfort zone and take on a new role within the same company.

- When my mother developed Pancreatic Cancer, the fear of losing her took hold of me. When I moved past the fear, I was given a gift along with my father and siblings of spending countless hours with her in the final days. I overcame the fear of her dying and was presented with the opportunity to learn and experience her life story.

When we boldly overcome our fears, the dreams we dream big take shape. 

Find a way to get past those fears and begin the wonderful journey. For it is with movement that we will come upon opportunity that otherwise would have evaded us. Life will throw many things at you whether you remain stationary or not.

Helen Keller once said, "Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold."

Overcoming fear and moving boldly towards a dream will have its danger, but it will also have its opportunities. Take hold of those opportunities by being bold in life, by being unafraid to meet up with your dreams.

Stay inspired my friends.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Life Equals Risk


"Only those who will risk going too far 
can possibly find out how far one can go." - T. S. Eliot

Life is full of risk.

We can sit idle in our chair, watching all of it pass by us.

Or we can stand up and start stepping towards something greater.

It is your choice.

Do not be defined by others.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

My Attitude

"We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them." ~ Elbert Hubbard

What is attitude and how does it relate to you and others?

To me it is a core component of not only one's work but is an essential part of one's life. There are people that go through life constantly battling the belief that, "..if only others would treat me more nicely, then I could have a more positive attitude." These people always believe that others are the reason for their misery. And since others are to blame for their feeling this way, then they justify treating others just as poorly. It is an easy way not to take responsibility for your own actions.

I myself would never say it is easy to maintain a great attitude. My drive into work each day leads me to a freeway and lots of merging cars and people including myself that should have left 5 minutes earlier. Road tension can be high especially when you couple that with a general belief that your own driving skill is better then that of anyone else. There is plenty of opportunity for someone to purposely or inadvertently cut you off or send you a signal.

But how do you let it effect you?

Early in the morning, on the way to work, are you willing to let that other person set the tone of the day for you? Many people do and it isn't just the checkout person in the big discount store that allows it to effect themselves. It is also the person taking service calls over the phone, the bank teller handling your money and yes, the CEO on his or her way to an important meeting.

Attitude is a choice and your life can be changed by changing your attitude. Norman Vincent Peale said, "human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes." It can and does change lives. It can start on that morning drive to work. Try it some time when somebody 'wrongs' you on the road. Just smile and keep your hands firmly on the steering wheel. You may be surprised how it changes your day.

Stay inspired my friends!

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