Friday, November 21, 2014

Your Sphere

"It's not just for its influence on us, but to know that we can play a part in it, to understand the influence that we have outside our own existence." - Siobhan Davies

A friend of mine, Dean Sweetman was attending a conference some years ago to a world-renowned speaker. As he sat there, he sent out a message on Twitter that read "listening to amazing stories that have impacted church growth world wide." He went on to say, "I feel small."

Dean may have felt small in that moment, yet I can feel small in comparison to Dean's huge sphere of influence. So it isn't about comparisons. It is about our own world and what we can do within it. So as I read his message again, it occurred to me that our own sphere of influence can also be quite large.

I have a rough idea of where my sphere of influence spreads. How my words and motivation reach people in many far reaching places. But more importantly, it starts closest to me both with my own attitude and my family. It then spreads to close friends and those I come in contact with as the circle grows bigger.

Think of the effect a pebble in the water has. The ripples closest to the impact (you) are largest and they smooth out the further away from the epicenter. This sphere of influence can grow and shrink over time.

For me, it grows as more people read my books and read my blog articles. For some, that influence can leap to huge proportions such as when a person like Oprah Winfrey takes notice. But even if it doesn't grow to grand expectations, the influence is just as powerful.

Each of us have levels of influence. It simply starts with the attitude you carry inside. It will impact those around you, your wife, your kids your friends and co-workers.

You carry it with you 24 hours a day each and every day.

You carry it with you at home and wherever you travel.

You carry it inside and in the things you do.

Never feel small because the influence you carry is huge. Your sphere of influence is greater than you think. Make it the right kind of influence and see what great things happen as you impact the lives of other people.

Stay inspired my friends.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Nature Decides

There is a harmony
In autumn, and a lustre in its sky,
Which through the summer is not heard or seen,
As if it could not be, as if it had not been!
- Percy Bysshe Shelley -

I am just not completely sure what happened to autumn this year.

And finally Winter, 
with its bitin',
whinin' wind, 
and all the land will be mantled with snow.
- Roy Bean -

And so it goes, the changing of seasons. 
Not upon our schedule but upon nature's.

Stay inspired my friends....and warm of course.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dangers of Washing in Life

If you are too careful, you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something.” ― Gertrude Stein

Can our efforts to scrub away bacteria and other germs actually be bad for us? The proliferation of antibacterial soaps, and scrubs mounted to every hallway or countertop is somewhat marketing genius.

Most likely the personal care products you use contain the ingredient known as Triclosan. It turns out that our attempts to shield ourselves from every conceivable germ could be doing us more harm.

A study published by Prof. Robert H. Tukey of the University of California-San Diego and Prof. Bruce D. Hammock of the University of California-Davis, hand soap antimicrobial has been linked to cancer and liver fibrosis.

Does this mean we should all throw caution to the wind and stop washing our hands?

Of course not.

It simply reminds us as we attempt to guard against everything harmful in life, doing so could also have the opposite effect. If is said life is full of risks. But if you try to build a fence around all your fears, you'll shut out joy too (Dorothy Love). Yes, life is going to be full of risk and danger. There will be circumstance and events out of our control which can harm us.

We will do many things in order to protect our survival, but we also need to do so in measure. If it isn't the antibacterial soap that gets you, it will be the unexpected truck while crossing a street. Things will happen as we live our life.

Just don't forget to live your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Three Touch Points

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." - George Bernard Shaw

The wonders of technology allow us to quickly have access to information, to contact or gather pictures and multitudes of other things. But does this technology actually help us to communicate with each other?

In many ways yes. Instant ability to pick up your phone and text or email a message. We post constantly on social media about what we are having for dinner. There are easy status updates to wish someone a happy birthday or any number of greetings. We can even send voice recorded messages in text.

What happened to actually looking someone eye-to-eye, shaking hands and having a conversation?

We have the ability to create three touch points with every human interaction, every day, every time we come in contact. There is a certain bond that takes place when you look someone in the eye and shake their hand. Even when a language barrier exists, two out of three makes a huge difference.

Recently I was in Taiwan and China with folks that I have conversed with over email at previous times. Once I met the individuals face-to-face, shook their hand and spoke, the real connection was made. We bonded the way humans will bond with those three touch points. Three touch points that have created a long term relationship, whether that be as business partners or friends.

Use your smart technology to connect, but don't forget your touch points of human communication.

Stay inspired my friends.