Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Celebrate the Differences

- Jonathan Primm -

Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honouring of differences, not simply in the enjoyment of similarities.” - Unknown Author

Many people in this world, all with different personalities, looks and thoughts always find friendships that cross these perceived boundaries. The world would be a pretty dull place if all of us were the same. Our differences give us the ability to engage each other in debate, learning and to compromise.

It becomes necessary for us to accept people are different in order to live together and grow as a person. Many times we live our life complaining about the differences that exist between us. But to accept those differences means you accept that you are also different. It gives rise to having the ability to celebrate life and learn from those differences.

Take your self beyond difference and find out what you can learn from being different. There is so much to learn and so much we can teach each other. Yes, celebrate being different folks.

Stay inspired my friends.

Monday, December 01, 2014

Wrangling Life

Cowboy Roping Cow by G.A. Randall

Men will wrangle for religion, write for it, fight for it, die for it;
anything but live for it
” ~ Charles Caleb Colton

Every day you hear and read the discussions ranging over many subjects covering the spectrum of life. People will argue and try to convince others about those things important to them. On and on it goes, the dance of debate.

The quote from Charles Colton is quite applicable and not only to one's religion but everything in life. It serves as a reminder to me of how I should live my life. While I write books, gives speeches, argue my point; it is truly by living a good life I will be most convincing.

How you live your life reflects your beliefs more than all the words you speak. Now that I have written and tried to convince you with these words, I will head out and live those words. I know you will do the same.

Try to be a living example of what is good in this life. None of us, including myself are perfect. But we can try to live a good life and with that example, live for it.

Stay inspired my friends.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Stampeding Turkeys

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." - Will Rogers

The day after Thanksgiving is a big, big...really big, shopping day for millions of people. It is referred to as Black Friday and generally signals the start of the Christmas shopping season.

It will be a day filled with slow moving traffic jams, tired and hungry crowds of people along with credit cards being overspent. It will be fun and also full of frustration. There will be varying stages of stress among people trying to find the perfect deal on the perfect gift.

Stores will be enticing you to overspend and to buy what really isn't needed. The stores will continually try to keep you coming back for more and more. Just be careful to spend in a sensible manner. Do not spend yourself into a painful January credit card bill hangover.

Before you immerse yourself in the fun and madness, take time to remember it is not the amount you spend on a gift.

It is the sincerity of giving which is important.

Remember there will be others in the crowd and be patient, be kind and be willing to understand this should simply be about having fun. Have a great time being among the masses! I will be watching football.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Moo Like a Turkey

It is easier to make excuses about our circumstances than actually do anything about them.” ― Jeffrey Fry

In life we tend to complain about our circumstances. The "woe is me" crowd always complaining about how life has done them wrong or never seeing anything positive happen in their lives. Yet these same people will do the same things over and over again.

Maybe once in a while we need to "moo" like a cow.

Circumstance and bad times are blind to whom they affect. Many times it just happens that we are the one in their path. If getting those things to side step you by doing something different (sounding like a cow), maybe you have done enough to avoid them this time.

Try to change up the sameness with something different.

Change the possibility of circumstance in your life.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday (in the USA) and whatever you are doing this holiday. And don't be surprised if you hear one or two "mooing" sounds out there.

Stay inspired my friends.