Monday, October 17, 2016

Serving To Be Served

He who wants to be served must first know how to serve.” ― Lailah Gifty Akita

Having a positive attitude, overcoming your own issues and serving others is something all of us can do. If you think about it, the thing which helps you get through bad days is the servitude of others.

What does it mean to serve others?

In his book The Spirit To Serve - Marriott's Way, J.W. Marriott states that a core purpose is, "to make people away from home feel that they are among friends and are really wanted." These simple words are how you can approach every day interacting with other people.

At a sporting event, your job or even the grocery store.

This idea does not confine itself to your own home or workplace. It could be said anywhere you go, the space you flow through is your home. Being in any place at any time means you can make another person feel welcomed and wanted. So many of us travel through life with blinders on to those around us. We should become an open and friendly person in everything we do.

Everyday and everywhere.

Sure its tough to always be cheerful and friendly. Yet the more you do it, the more you will see others open up to help you when you are having a bad day as well. Not long ago, I was on a trip far from home. It had been raining and I was not particularly pleased to be here.

But then a man offered me his umbrella in order to get to my car.

Nothing was asked of in return, a smile and a thank you as he moved towards his car. A simple act of kindness to make me feel a bit more at home and to ease my day. So I carried forward his kindness to others. Make it a good day for someone.

And stay inspired my friends!

Friday, October 14, 2016

4th and Go

"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing." - Unknown

Two teams were in overtime, playing a heated rivalry football game. The score was knotted together at twenty-three to twenty-three with plenty of momentum on one side. The offense had fallen upon a fourth down with less than one yard to go for a first down. The ball was on their own thirty yard line.

Easy decision was to punt and wait for another chance.

Hard decisions require us to try and go for it.

If they made a first down, momentum would have clearly swung their way. If not, the opposing team would be in a position to win. The teams lined up, excitement grew as the quarterback barked out the call. Huge men came crashing together trying to outdo each other.

The running back took hold of the ball and ran into the mix of bodies, trying to search out those few precious feet. But it was not going to happen. He was stopped short of the first down marker, short of the goal that would allow them to continue.

The opposing team had stopped them on "4th and 1" and went on to kick a game winning field goal. One team victorious and another defeated.

All of this drama played out for a mere two or three feet.

Sometimes we get that close to our own goals in life. One, two or three feet is all which separates us from achievement. As we make our final push to cross over that line, we get pushed back, defeated and rejected.

It seems during those few moments all is lost.

But not all is lost, there is hope. There is strength in knowledge of what went wrong. There is greatness in moving forward and trying again. The obstacles in life we face sometimes get the better of us. Even when we felt we were unstoppable and had the greatest of confidence in our own ability, the opposition will win sometimes.

So you withdraw, replan and reattack the goal.

You jump back into it with new experience and understanding. You keep trying.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Who Decides

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."
- Abraham Lincoln

Everyday we are faced with decisions that need to be made and obligations that must be agreed to or kept.

The obvious ones include getting up in the morning and choosing to go into work or school. The harder decisions might be staying in a particular job or what career to pursue after completing your time in school.

It requires having responsibility; to ourselves and to others.

The easy to do is to put off until tomorrow those things which we find hard or uncomfortable to deal with. Doing so only delays the inevitable and can many times make the results much harder to accept.

Responsibility means taking accountability for your actions and decisions.

Many people will use excuses to side step accountability. It was someone else's fault, there is no way I could have done such a thing or I am not capable enough. Certainly there will be times when things are out of your control or simply outside the bounds of your capacity.

Do not get caught in the trap of using excuses as a crutch to side step responsibility. Accept responsibility for who you are and the life you live. It will make both today and tomorrow a better place.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Set Your Sails

From SoftPicks

"Every great discovery I ever made, I gambled that the truth was there, and then I acted in faith until I could prove its existence." - Arthur H. Compton

Every great discovery in your life, everything you believe about yourself, can only be achieved by having faith until you prove it. We do not simply achieve something without first envisioning and believing in it until we obtain the end result.

So many times we want to bypass all belief and simply achieve. We want to be walking along the beach and find gold coins washed up on the shore. Or maybe that we wake up one day and have everything we want suddenly there for us.

All of those methods are wishful thinking.

What can happen is we grab hold of a vision and believe in it. Christopher Columbus had a vision that the world was not flat. He believed sailing due west would cause him to find a new trade route to India.

So he set out with three ships and ninety men on Aug. 3, 1492 from Palos, Spain.

On October 11, 1492, he spotted the Caribbean Islands southeast of what is known now as North America.

It was a vast ocean of unknown for Columbus and it is the same vast ocean you will encounter when setting out upon your own discovery. Believing and adjusting along the way will eventually lead you to something newly discovered. for you see, Columbus did not find the trade route to India.

He found something new.

The same will happen to you.

What you first set out to discover may not be what you thought it would be. But the discovery will be what is correct and right for you. So set your sails for discovery and believe in your dreams. You will find a treasure that is far greater than you first thought.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

Little Bit Happier

We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” - Frederick Keonig

We have those moments on the weekend, maybe during the evening or a vacation to relax a little bit. We take the time to enjoy rest, family, friends and to simply unwind from many of our cares.

The tendency is to enjoy the weekend but not the week day.

One could suppose this is due to work and the rush of responsibility. Yet why not be happy every day of the week. Maybe let some of those minor cares get set aside every day of the week.

Lighten your worries and let them go.

There is a simple song by Bobby McFerrin titled 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'. The song was inspired by Meher Baba (1894-1969) who had often used an expression by the same name when writing to his friends and followers. It was later on in the 1960's when his well used expression was printed up on inspirational cards and posters.

It was in 1988 that the songwriter Bobby McFerrin noticed a similar poster in the apartment of the jazz band Tuck Patti in San Francisco. He was inspired by the charm and simplicity of it and sat down to write his now famous song.

In an interview Bruce Fessier did for USA Weekend Magazine in 1988 McFerrin said, "Whenever you see a poster of Meher Baba, it usually says 'Don't worry, be happy,' which is a pretty neat philosophy in four words, I think."

All of us should try to be a little happier in life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Deception In Place Of Truth

Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.” ― Walter Scott

The fall season officially started on September 22nd of this year and in many places people are starting to experience the cooling weather patterns. Of course this would be in the northern hemisphere with spring coming to those south of the equator.

Every year people look forward to the cooling temperatures after suffering the heat of summer. The autumn colors of leaves on the trees, shorter days and pumpkin spiced latte drinks all signal a change.

Knowing that a bitter winter lurks behind the fall season.

We tell ourselves the cooler weather is a joyous thing while knowing the harsh and brutal cold of winter comes quickly. It is a lazy lie we tell ourselves that winter will not be of any consequence. Maybe we have forgotten the lessons of the prior winter.

Deceiving ourselves often enough that it can become our truth.

There are many times we tell other lazy lies about our past. We exaggerate on topics of athletics, of education, of ability or beliefs. We tell ourselves that we have learned the lessons of the past but we fail to enact those lessons learned.

This is the point at which we lie to ourselves and make excuses for not having learned those lessons. We fool ourselves into believing we have it figured out but in reality we are repeating the same mistakes, same missteps and same failures.

Knowing that a bitter winter of pain lurks behind the lazy lie.

The lies we tell ourselves or others only mask the inevitable. They result in harsher pain when the truth is revealed. And what of the pain in trying to hold together the lie when freedom exists in the truth. So soon it will come to bear.

Do not deceive yourself or others around you. The knots which hold together the lifeline of lies are weak and insecure. Build your life upon truth and wisdom gained from our past. Do not allow a lazy lie to get in the way of a great life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Monday, October 03, 2016

Moving On From Regret

"You have to forgive yourself for everything you do in your life because you made that decision based on what was happening at that instant."
- William Shatner

The definition of regret varies slightly from one place to the next. Most commonly it means to experience regret on account of; to lose or miss with a sense of regret; to feel sorrow or dissatisfaction on account of (the happening or the loss of something); as, to regret an error; to regret lost opportunities or friends.

Regret is really your conscience speaking to you.

It means going over what you have or have not done relative to some incident or event. The regret part comes along when you decide internally that you should have done something different.

Many times our regret happens in the fresh light of new information or in hindsight. We usually have at that point the benefit of having seen the results or outcome. But what happens is we will beat ourselves up with regret and not get past it.

Do not misunderstand, regret serves a purpose.

It serves a purpose in evaluating what we have or have not done in life. But we can not allow it to chain us down from ever moving forward. William Shatner tells the following story in an interview with Men's Journal as an example.

"I lived close enough to where Marlon Brando lived that I could have walked to his house. I always wanted to talk to him. Never did. I knew a lot of people in common with Laurence Olivier. I could have talked to him. Never did. I know they would have taken my call. I could have taken them to lunch. But because I thought they might not, I didn't do it. I wish I had."

This story gives us insight to a couple of things; one is that regret serves a purpose of learning a lesson from the experience. The second is we need to move on with this new learned experience. We learn from examining our regret on how things happened.

You should not linger on regret though.

You made decisions based upon what you knew or thought you knew at the time. Now you have more understanding from having learned from the experience. Just do not allow the regret of a bad decision hold you back from making another decision.

New found revelation or knowledge allows you to grow.

Make that phone call, send that letter or change your behavior. Break the chain of regret that holds you back in life. It is a heavy stone that can be made into a perfect stone for your path in life. Lay it down and move on to greater things.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, September 30, 2016

100 New Steps

Normal is an ideal. But it’s not reality. Reality is brutal, it’s beautiful, it’s every shade between black and white, and it’s magical. Yes, magical. Because every now and then, it turns nothing into something.” ― Tara Kelly

Life has its moments for all of us. I like to call it 'going through a season' to describe these changes. And like all moments it might be momentary or permanent in the impact it has on our daily life.

There is nothing normal in life. It is just life.

For me, I was able to complete my latest book and make it available to the public. It is a collection of my writings called 100 NEW STEPS, available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle versions.

Yes, I would appreciate your comments on my new book, but I will say it was an effort to get this book out due to changes in my job. A lot more travel, responsibility and exciting changes now that EMC has been acquired by Dell Technologies. Exciting changes, exciting opportunity, but a new season is upon me.

And quite actually, I am fine with all of it.

What it effectively means is less time for writing each day. Less time to spend writing things that might have a positive impact on each of you. So it was important for me to get my latest book out there to help fill the gaps in my daily writing.

It means I need to find time to continue writing my next book, a semi-fictional story tentatively titled SEAT 12B. I have set my own deadline of spring 2017, just in time for the travel season. It is a story I am sure you will enjoy if I can adjust to my new season.

I will adjust as we all do.

Changes are going to occur for all of us. Job, relationships, money, health, and just about any other possibility can alter what we believe our 'normal' life is. So it becomes important to accept the changes, adjust to them and keep a positive outlook on your new life experiences.

What my hope for each of you is that you make the adjustment. That each of you can find the strength to enjoy your new normal. And that whatever comes your way, life will remain an event you enjoy because life is great gift we have been given.

May all your moments be more joyous than not.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Let It Go

"You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change." - Les Brown

A single act that occurs to you can set the tone for your entire day, if you choose to let it. Those seemingly small 'slights' are thrust upon you by another person such as getting cut off in traffic.

This happened to me recently at a two lane right-turn when a person in the righthand turn lane decided to get in a hurry. They moved over into my lane as I was turning and nearly hit me. Now out of all the articles I've written, life happens and you should just let it go. But of course I could not do that for a few minutes.

How could this person do this? What a jerk and all those other thoughts developed in my mind. Physically I could tell it was upsetting me but I identified it and began a series of thought processes to bring me back from that low point.

First identify that is has upset and is effecting you.

Secondly, ask yourself why you are reacting in this manner.

Third, begin to think about how you are going to let it effect the rest of your day.

If you decide to hold onto it and let it fester, the rest of the day is going to be miserable. so let it go and chalk it up to simple human interaction. There was no real harm, so no real foul and you both move on. The problem is if you do not, it will impact how you deal with others during the day and can have disastrous results.

Letting it go will free you to move on and have a productive day.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Superstition Mountains

"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." - Bertrand Russell

In the heat of an Arizona summer, one thing remains present in the not too far off in the distance. The towering figure of The Superstition Mountains looms greatly across the scrub and cactus landscape. These mountains seem to float on the water logged mirage which stretches across the horizon. These mountains are named for reasons which have only small amounts of fact in them.

It is in the lack of knowledge where superstition can grow. Ignorance can lead to fear which in the end creates an inability to move forward in your life. It is in superstition that fear will feed upon itself and upon you.

In order to move ahead in life, one has to get beyond the fear of whatever invades your life. You must get beyond the superstition that holds you back from achieving more. It is an obstacle not easily overcome but it can be overcome.

Once you loosen those chains of fear, you will be free to overcome the mountain of doubt in your mind.

You will conquer those mountains and the view you will see is astounding.

Stay inspired my friends!

Friday, September 16, 2016

Finding Home

A person does not grow from the ground like a vine or a tree, one is not part of a plot of land. Mankind has legs so it can wander.
Roman Payne, The Wanderess

The lives of people are impacted by the circumstances they are born into, the choices they might have made, or by the changing conditions of society. And the decisions we make create the person we become.

We can become bound by our roots.

The life we come from when born and our ancestry can shape us tremendously. How we move through life and the stakes we place in the ground as we grow older can cause a settling of our footing. We become rooted believing nothing else need be done.

If we can establish a firm footing, a comfortable hold on the life we live, we can also use those feet to examine and find where we come from. To help confirm or complete the circle of who we are, we search for home.

To find who we were before who we are now.

I have a story of an American, a long time ago refugee from Hungary who escaped along with his father and brother in 1957. A secret escape during the Hungarian Revolution as the Soviets moved to crush any and all opposition.

His mother had died some short years previous to this escape to freedom. His belief for so many years had been that his mother's family wanted nothing to do with his father, brother or himself. This was a story strangely perpetrated by his father's new wife.

Reasons are often never understood.

From that early February day in 1957, he never had contact with his mother's family in Hungary. It included a few years of no contact prior to leaving the country and emigrating to a new life and country.

Yet the questions lingered for many years as this boy grew into a smart, strong and successful man. He was like many other people working hard to build a life, raise a family and reach his dreams and goals.

Questions left unanswered.

In mid-1998, he and his wife made a trip back to Hungary; a journey of discovery and sentimentality. He wanted to find and visit the grave site of his mother who had died at the young age of thirty from cancer. He had lost his mother at the age of seven and this trip home was to come a bit closer to her memory.

The trip was guided by a cousin from his father's side of the family. They found their way to the cemetery and to the office for information of where the grave was located. After forty years, to see his mother's resting place, they found their way to the grave site.

Surprise hidden by the many years.

What they encountered was a well-tended plot and markers for her parents who had died many years after her. With a lack of knowing how or why the grave sites were so well tended, back to the office they went to find out who might have been responsible for the grave; an age-old practice is to pay a fee every 10 years.

The office was only able to provide an address in a nearby town, but no name. With this information they set off to discover an answer to who could have been tending to his mother's grave. Eventually they found themselves parked across the street from the address given to them at the cemetery office.

Would they want to see me.

From here I allow the man's wife to carry on the story.

His cousin got out of the car and started walking across the street to two women who were talking by the driveway gate. My husband remained in the car and I asked, astonished, "Why aren't you going with him?" and the response was "I'm not sure they will want to see me.

The story he had known all those years was that his mother's family had not and would not want anything to do with him.

I said "Of course they will want to see you!" and urged him to go. He slowly got out of the car, then started across the street. By this time his cousin had introduced himself and was explaining who we were. I heard a shriek and my husband started running across the street.

One of the women was his aunt, who was only seven years old when he was born. She had babysat the young boys when their mother was sick and for a short time after she died. There were tears all around and hugs galore.

As this man's wife explained, "People used to ask us 'Why Hungary?' I daresay many people cannot possibly understand what it means to have given up your homeland because it wasn't safe to stay, and the resulting longing for family, the sounds of your native tongue, and connections with your earliest memories."

We can establish roots without getting stuck in the hardened clay. We can go home once again and find answers to whom we have become.

Keep seeking home, keep seeking who you are and stay inspired my friends.

Stay inspired my friends!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Stalk Of Fennel

"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." - Terry Pratchet

There is an old Greek mythology story of how man was given fire. It is the story of Prometheus and his yearning to help mankind in spite of the ruling gods.

Prometheus would say, "Ah, how very poor and wretched they were!" He found them living in caves and in holes of the earth, shivering with the cold because there was no fire, dying of starvation, hunted by wild beasts and by one another.

Their lives were not a well lived life.

To accomplish his task, Prometheus created a distraction amongst the gods. He took a stalk of fennel with its center filled with a dry, soft pith which would burn slowly and could keep on fire a long time and stole fire from Hephaestus, the Greek god of fire.

When he returned to the place where immortal men lived, he found them cold and damp in their caves and it was here that he built a fire for them. He then began to teach them how to warm themselves and how to build other fires from the burning coals. Soon all men and women gathered and were warm and happy.

All were thankful for the wonderful gift.

It was not long until they learned to cook their food and to eat their food like men instead of like beasts. They began to leave their wild and savage ways. Instead of hiding in dark places, they came out into the light; into the bright sunlight, and were happy because life had been given to them.

We too can light a fire for other people.

When we inspire others to greater things, the fire we set ablaze in their hearts will warm all of life around them. We can carry the fire to others by the kindness, the compassion and the desire to make life better for all of those around us.

We can be the ember from the stalk of fennel which brings others out in to the goodness of light and a well lived life.

Stay inspired my friends!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

What Seeds Are You Planting

"Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later."
- Og Mandino

Yesterday was an opportunity to do something good.
You had an opportunity to plant a thought of kindness.
You had an opportunity to do something good for another person.
You had an opportunity to set the world in motion towards something better.

That same opportunity exists today.
You can plant a thought of kindness.
You can do something good for another person.
You can set the world in motion towards something better.

Plant today and harvest the goodness tomorrow.

Stay inspired my friends.