Friday, August 29, 2014

Sunset and Sunrise

Sunset in the Middle East

Regardless of where you are in this large and wonderful world, the sun will be setting. Night will begin to settle in and the cool of darkness will cover you. As your eyes adjust to the increasing blackness, you reflect and begin to see things you would otherwise have not.

The brightness of sunlight which left you is rising in another part of the world. The sun will chase away this same darkness, warming the lives it touches. Opening eyes will adjust to the light and see things with renewed hope.

As the sun sets on your day, be assured it will rise again.

Our lives will cycle very much the same way. Life will seem in such despair and pain at different points in your life. Your eyes will adjust to the pain, giving you a different look at your life. You will take time to reflect in the darkness.

Just remember to hang on to the idea of a rising sun in your life.

The light will once again shine down on you, lifting your spirits and life. A changed person is whom you will be coming out of the darkness. Wait for and hold onto the coming light which will return to your life.

Stay inspired my friends.

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