Monday, January 02, 2006

Persistence In Humor

From the folks at, check out their webpage some time.

There is so much that can be concluded from this particular picture. But what ever you do, do try to be persistent and when something doesn't work out, stop and rethink. Then set another goal and go after it. Persistence does pay off if you want it to... and in those cases in which it doesn't..."it's over, Man. Let her go." Get over it and move on to the next one.

1 comment:

Phil Gerbyshak said...

Interesting take on this picture. I love it!

You've got a great site here, and I'll be bookmarking you right away. A positive attitude is the one gift nobody can take away. Thanks for reminding us all of that.

And the picture of your inner self is outstanding. Thanks for sharing the attitude with all of us. It is contagious!