Friday, December 03, 2010

What Did He Say?

"It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either." ~Wayne Dyer

A husband looking through the paper came upon a study that said women use more words than men.

Excited to prove to his wife that he had been right all along when he accused her of talking too much. He showed her the study results.

It read: "Men use about 15,000 words per day, but women use 30,000."

The wife thought for a while, then finally she said to her husband "It's because we have to repeat everything we say."

The husband said "What?"

Hopefully you laughed just a little bit along with the slight groaning that probably happened. It is that laughter that we should each try to engage in each day. Laughter has been described as "a tranquilizer with no side effects."

We each know that there is enough bad news, frustration and down right depressing things that occur each day. But there should also be moments of laughter and enjoyment. Those are the moments we should concentrate on and enjoy.

There is a good article in Psychology Today called The Science of Laughter that explores why we may or may not laugh and what the science holds as an explanation. While it may still be inconclusive, for the most part (my own unscientific opinion) is that laughter makes you feel better. It draws us together and throws down some of the barriers we put up at times.

If laughing a few times a day can ease the tension of a bad day or situation, then I'm all for it. I would rather feel good with laughter, than pain with sadness.

As Donald O'Conner sang in the movie "Singin In The Rain"; make 'em laugh, make 'em laugh.

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