Friday, November 07, 2014

Make 'em Laugh

A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around.” ~ Carolyn Birmingham

Some days all I can do to get by is simply laugh at the situation before me. To get overly upset or mad would only worsen the predicament. And most likely the situation is out of my control anyway.

What better way to relieve the stress than by laughing.

There have been those who feel offended when in the seriousness of it all, someone is chuckling. Each of us react to the problems life sets before us. Those issues build and compound with each other. So much that we feel our life has been targeted with all of the world's problems.

What we can do when there seems to be no way out from under all of it is to simply laugh.

Even the doctors at the Mayo Clinic say, "...laughter helps you deal with a variety of maladies, including the stresses of daily life." A laugh or even a smile can bring the focus away from negative emotions and send us into a better mood. This mood change will give us the ability to more clearly concentrate.

What once seemed like darkness begins to brighten with new light.

So if you can help someone, "make 'em laugh."

To help even yourself, "make 'em laugh."

For everything else in life, "make 'em laugh."

Stay inspired my friends!

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